The Eric Metaxas Show has a two part interview with N. T. Wright:
Paul and Caesar: A New Reading of Romans
(Originally published in A Royal Priesthood: The Use of the Bible Ethically and Politically, ed. C. Bartholemew, 2002, Carlisle: Paternoster, 173–193. Reproduced by permission of the author.) Introduction We have moved away quite rapidly in recent years from the old split, which was assumed by and built into the fabric of Western biblical studies, between ‘religion’ […]
Updated Publications List
Publications Books (more scholarly works marked with *) 2016 The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus’ Crucifixion. San Francisco: HarperOne; London: SPCK 2016 God in Public. London: SPCK 2015 *Paul and his Recent Interpreters. London: SPCK; Minneapolis: Fortress (forthcoming) 2015 The Paul Debate. Waco TX: Baylor University Press; London: SPCK (forthcoming) 2015 […]
The Good News and the Good Life
Publications List
2014 Paul and his Recent Interpreters 2013 Creation, Power and Truth Paul and the Faithfulness of God Pauline Perspectives The Case for the Psalms: Why They Are Essential New Testament Wisdom for Everyone 2012 Twelve Months of Sundays, Years A, B & C: Biblical Meditations on the Christian Year Lent for Everyone: Mark New Testament […]
About N. T. Wright
N. T. Wright grew up in the north-east of England and studied Classics and Theology at Oxford, where he was ordained in 1975 and took his doctorate (on St Paul) in 1981, having served as a college chaplain, and taught New Testament, in both Oxford and Cambridge. He was Assistant Professor of New Testament at McGill […]
Paul and His Recent Interpreters
This companion volume to N. T. Wright’s Paul and the Faithfulness of God and Pauline Perspectives is essential reading for all with a serious interest in Paul, the interpretation of his letters, his appropriation by subsequent thinkers, and his continuing significance today. In the course of this masterly survey, Wright asks searching questions of all of the major contributors […]
Paul and the Faithfulness of God
This highly anticipated two-part fourth volume in N.T. Wright’s magisterial series, Christian Origins and the Question of God, is destined to become the standard reference point on the subject for all serious students of the Bible and theology. The mature summation of a lifetime’s study, this landmark volume pays a rich tribute to the breadth and […]
Pauline Perspectives: Essays on Paul 1978–2013
This companion volume to Paul and the Faithfulness of God and Paul and His Recent Interpreters brings together N.T. Wright’s most important articles on Paul and his letters over the last three decades. The book begins with Wright’s auspicious essay of 1978, when as a young, aspiring scholar, he gave the annual Tyndale lecture in Cambridge, and proposed, for […]
With Justification
Book Review: Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision Reviewed by Ben Witherington It is never an easy thing to write a rebuttal book if you are genuinely a Christian person. You keep hoping that people will stop misunderstanding what you have said and written, will think better of ad hominem attacks, and you keep trying the ‘turn […]
Five Gospels but No Gospel: Jesus and the the Seminary
Originally published in Authenticating the Activities of Jesus, ed. Bruce Chilton and Craig A. Evans, Leiden: Brill, 1999, 83–120. Reproduced by permission of the author. Looking for Jesus People have been looking for Jesus for a long time, but never quite like this. The “Quest of the Historical Jesus” has been proceeding, in fits and starts, […]
Justification: The Biblical Basis and Its Relevance for Contemporary Evangelicalism
Excerpt from The Great Acquittal: Justification by Faith and Current Christian Thought. Reproduced by permission of the author. Introduction: The Shape of the Doctrine Imagine asking a jeweller to describe a watchspring. He might simply talk about the spring itself: he might demonstrate how it was related to the rest of the mechanism: he might even […]