Books (more scholarly works marked with *)
2016 The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus’ Crucifixion. San Francisco: HarperOne; London: SPCK
2016 God in Public. London: SPCK
2015 *Paul and his Recent Interpreters. London: SPCK; Minneapolis: Fortress (forthcoming)
2015 The Paul Debate. Waco TX: Baylor University Press; London: SPCK (forthcoming)
2015 Simply Good News: Why the Gospel is News and What Makes it Good. San Francisco: HarperOne; London: SPCK
2014 The Meal Jesus Gave Us (reissue by SPCK, London)
2014 Surprised by Scripture. San Francisco: HarperOne; London: SPCK (2015)
2014 Finding God in the Psalms: Sing, Pray, Live (UK title for The Case for the Psalms [2013]). London: SPCK
2013 Creation, Power and Truth (The Noble Lectures for 2006). London: SPCK
2013 *Paul and the Faithfulness of God. Vol. IV of Christian Origins and the Question of God. London: SPCK; Minneapolis: Fortress
2013 *Pauline Perspectives. (Collected essays, 1978-2013). London: SPCK; Minneapolis: Fortress
2013 The Case for the Psalms: Why They Are Essential. San Francisco: HarperOne (UK edn. with different title, 2014)
2013 New Testament Wisdom for Everyone (selected from the Everyone commentaries). London: SPCK
2012 Twelve Months of Sundays, Years A, B & C: Biblical Meditations on the Christian Year. [One-volume republication of the three books of meditations published in 2000, 2001 and 2002.] London: SPCK
2012 Lent for Everyone: Mark. London: SPCK
2012 New Testament Prayers for Everyone (selected from the Everyone Commentaries). London: SPCK
2012 How God Became King. San Francisco: HarperOne; London: SPCK
2011 Simply Jesus: The Coming of the King. London: SPCK; San Francisco: HarperOne
2011 The New Testament for Everyone. London: SPCK. Published in USA as The Kingdom New Testament: A Contemporary Translation. San Francisco: HarperOne (my full translation of the NT, taken from the various ‘Everyone’ volumes)
2011 Revelation for Everyone. London: SPCK; Louisville: WJKP
2011 Early Christian Letters for Everyone. London: SPCK; Louisville: WJKP
2011 *Scripture and the Authority of God, second edn with two substantial new chapters. London: SPCK; San Francisco: HarperOne (former American title: The Last Word)
2011 Lent for Everyone: Matthew. London: SPCK
2010 *Virtue Reborn (US title After You Believe). London: SPCK; San Francisco: HarperOne
2010 Small Faith, Great God, second edn. With new preface. London: SPCK; Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press (see 1978)
2009 Lent for Everyone: Luke. London: SPCK.
2009 For Everyone Bible Study Guides. Based on the ‘Everyone’ commentaries, adapted by editors at IVP. Downers Grove, Ill.: Inter Varsity Press; London: SPCK. Volumes so far: Matthew, Mark, Romans, 1 Corinthians, Ephesians, Colossians and Philemon, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. Others in preparation
2009 *Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision. London: SPCK; Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press. German translation (2015): Rechtfertigung: Gottes Plan und die Sicht des Paulus, in Studia Oecumenica Friburgensia 63. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag
2008 Anglican Evangelical Identity: Yesterday and Today (with J. I. Packer). (Reissue of booklet published in 1980, with substantial new preface). London: Latimer Trust.
2008 *Theological Interpretation of the New Testament: A Book-by-Book Survey, ed. K. J. Vanhoozer, with D. J. Treier and NTW Associate Editors. This volume consists of the specifically New Testament material extracted from the Dictionary of Theological Interpretation of Scripture (2005)
2008 Jesus: the Final Days (with Craig A. Evans). ed. Troy A. Miller. London: SPCK; Louisville: Westminster John Knox. (Ch. 3 is by NTW, overlapping substantially with chs. 3 and 4 of Surprised by Hope)
2008 Acts for Everyone. London: SPCK; Louisville: Westminster John Knox
2007 *Surprised by Hope. London: SPCK; San Francisco: HarperOne (US edn 2008, with subtitle Rethinking Heaven, Resurrection and the Mission of the Church)
2007 The Cross and the Colliery. London: SPCK; (US Title, Christians at the Cross [Ijamsville, Maryland: The Word Among Us Press])
2006 Judas and the Gospel of Jesus. London: SPCK; Grand Rapids: Baker
2006 Evil and the Justice of God. London: SPCK; Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press. Award of Merit, Christianity Today Book Awards 2007
2006 Simply Christian. London: SPCK; San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco (Association of Theological Booksellers ‘Book of the Year’ 2006) (Some sections excerpted in Francis S. Collins, ed., Belief: Readings on the Reason for Faith (San Francisco: HarperOne, 2010), 3–21)
2006 The Resurrection of Jesus: John Dominic Crossan and N. T. Wright in Dialogue, ed. Robert B. Stewart. Minneapolis: Fortress
2005 The Scriptures, the Cross, and the Power of God. London: SPCK; Louisville: Westminster John Knox
2005 *Paul: Fresh Perspectives. London: SPCK; Minneapolis: Fortress (US title: Paul in Fresh Perspective)
2005 *Scripture and the Authority of God. London: SPCK; San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco (US title: The Last Word: Beyond the Bible Wars to a New Understanding of the Authority of Scripture)
2005 *Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of Scripture (ed., with K. Vanhoozer et al.). Grand Rapids and London: Baker and SPCK (see too Theological Interpretation of the New Testament (2008)
2004 Paul for Everyone: Romans. 2 vols. London: SPCK; Louisville: Westminster John Knox (CBC Reference Book of the Year 2005)
2003 For All the Saints? Remembering the Christian Departed. London: SPCK; Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse
2003 Hebrews for Everyone. London: London: SPCK; Louisville: Westminster John Knox
2003 Paul for Everyone: The Pastoral Letters. London: SPCK; Louisville: Westminster John Knox
2003 Quiet Moments. Oxford: Lion (selected highlights from A Moment of Quiet etc., 1997)
2003 *The Resurrection of the Son of God. Volume III of Christian Origins and the Question of God. London: SPCK; Minneapolis: Fortress. (Association of Theological Booksellers ‘Religious Book of the Year’ and ‘Book of the Year’ 2003; Michael Ramsey Prize 2005)
2003 Paul for Everyone: 1 Corinthians. London: SPCK; Louisville: Westminster John Knox (CBC Reference Book of the Year 2004)
2003 Paul for Everyone: 2 Corinthians. London: SPCK; Louisville: Westminster John Knox
2002 John for Everyone. 2 vols. London: SPCK; Louisville: Westminster John Knox
2002 Paul for Everyone: The Prison Letters. London: SPCK; Louisville: Westminster John Knox
2002 The Contemporary Quest for Jesus (edited extracts from Jesus and the Victory of God chs. 1–3). Minneapolis: Fortress
2002 The Meal Jesus Gave Us (reissue of Holy Communion for Amateurs). London: Hodder; Louisville: Westminster John Knox (2003)
2002 *Romans in the New Interpreter’s Bible. Vol X., 393–770. Nashville: Abingdon
2002 Twelve Months of Sundays: Reflections on Bible Readings, Year B. London: SPCK [now collected in single vol., 2012]
2002 Matthew for Everyone. 2 vols. London: SPCK; Louisville: Westminster John Knox
2002 Paul for Everyone: Galatians and Thessalonians. London: SPCK; Louisville: Westminster John Knox
2001 Luke for Everyone. London: SPCK; Louisville: Westminster John Knox
2001 Mark for Everyone. London: SPCK; Louisville: Westminster John Knox
2001 Twelve Months of Sundays: Reflections on Bible Readings, Year A. London: SPCK [now collected in single vol., 2012]
2000 Twelve Months of Sundays: Reflections on Bible Readings, Year C. London: SPCK [now collected in single vol., 2012]
1999 Holy Communion for Amateurs. London: Hodder; Louisville: Westminster John Knox (rebublished as The Meal Jesus Gave us [2002])
1999 The Challenge of Jesus. Downers Grove, Ill.: Inter-Varsity Press; London: SPCK
1999 *Romans and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Gordon D. Fee on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday (co-ed., with Sven K. Soderlund). Grand Rapids: Eerdmans
1999 The Millennium Myth. Louisville: Westminster; London: SPCK (UK edn. entitled The Myth of the Millennium)
1999 The Way of the Lord: Christian Pilgrimage in the Holy Land and Beyond. London: SPCK; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. Also in Chinese
1999 The Meaning of Jesus: Two Visions. With Marcus J. Borg. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco; London: SPCK
1997 Reflecting the Glory. Oxford: Bible Reading Fellowship; Minneapolis: Augsburg
1997 A Moment of Prayer; A Moment of Quiet; A Moment of Peace; A Moment of Celebration. (4 separate small volumes.) Oxford: Lion; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
1997 *What St Paul Really Said. Lion, Oxford; Eerdmans, Grand Rapids
1997 For All God’s Worth. London: SPCK; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans
1996 *Jesus and the Victory of God. Volume II of Christian Origins and the Question of God. London: SPCK; Minneapolis: Fortress. Chapter 12 is reprinted as a separate article in B. Jersack and M. Hardin, eds. Stricken by God? Nonviolent Identification and the Victory of Christ (Abbotsford, Canada: Fresh Wind Press, 2007), 78–149
1996 The Original Jesus. Oxford: Lion; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans
1996 The Lord and his Prayer. London: SPCK; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans
1994 Following Jesus: Biblical Reflections on Christian Discipleship London: SPCK; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans (1995)
1992 Who Was Jesus? London: SPCK; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans
1992 *The New Testament and the People of God. Volume I of Christian Origins and the Question of God. London: SPCK; Minneapolis: Fortress.
1992 The Crown and the Fire. London: SPCK; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, (1995)
1992 New Tasks for a Renewed Church. London: Hodder. Published by Bethany House, U.S.A., under the title Bringing the Church to the World.
1991 *The Climax of the Covenant: Christ and the Law in Pauline Theology. Edinburgh: T & T Clark (October 1991); Minneapolis: Fortress (February 1992)
1988 *The Interpretation of the New Testament, 1861—1986 (with Stephen Neill). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1987 *The Glory of Christ in the New Testament: Studies in Christology in Memory of George Bradford Caird. Co-edited with L. D. Hurst. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1987 *The Epistles of Paul to the Colossians and to Philemon. Leicester: Tyndale; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. Also (1994) in Chinese translation.
1983 *The Work of John Frith. Courtenay Library of Reformation Classics, no. 7. Appleford: Sutton Courtenay Press. [The first ever complete edition of the works of John Frith, the early English reformer (d. 1533)].
1978 Small Faith, Great God. Eastbourne: Kingsway; New Jersey: Revell. Also in German Translation. Second edition with new preface: London: SPCK; Downers Grove, Ill.: Inter-Varsity, 2010
Major Articles
2016 ‘God Put Jesus Forth: Reflections on Romans 3:24-26’, pp. 135-161 in D. Gurtner, G. Macaskill and J. T> Pennington, eds., In the Fullness of Time (forthcoming)
2016 `’Paul and Missional Hermeneutics’, pp. 179-192 in the Apostle Paul and the Christian Life, ed. S. McKnight and J. B. Modica. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic
2016 ‘Historical Paul and “Systematic Theology”: To Start a Discussion’, pages 147-164 in Biblical Theology, ed. M. W. Elliott. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock (forthcoming)
2016 ‘Yet the Sun will Rise Again’ . . . in Exile vol., ed. J. M. Scott. Brill: Leiden (forthcoming)
2016 ‘The Challenge of Dialogue: A Partial and Preliminary Response’, pages 711-768 in God and the Faithfulness of Paul, ed. C. Heilig, J.-T. Hewitt and M. F. Bird. Tübingen: Mohr
2016 ‘Apocalyptic and the Sudden Fulfilment of Divine Promise’, pages 111-134 in Paul and the Apocalyptic Imagination, ed. J. K. Goodrich, B. Blackwell and J. Mastin (forthcoming)
2015 ‘How Greek was Paul’s Eschatology?’ (with G. van Kooten and O. Wischmeyer). New Testament Studies 61.2, 239-253.
2015 ‘John, Jesus, and “The Ruler of This World”: Demonic Politics in the Fourth Gospel?’ (with J. P. Davies), pages 71-89 in Conception, Reception and the Spirit: Essays in Honor of Andrew T. Lincoln, ed. J. G. McConville and L. K. Pietersen (Eugene, Or.: Wipf and Stock)
2015 ‘The Word and the Wind: A Response’, pages 141-178 in Pentecostal Theology and the Theological Vision of N. T. Wright: A Conversation, ed. J. M Everts and J. S. Lamp. Cleveland, Tenn.: CPT Press
2014 ‘Justification by (Covenantal) Faith to the (Covenantal) Doers: Romans 2 Within the Argument of the Letter’, pages 95-108 in Doing Theology for the Church: Essays in Honor of Klyne Snodgrass, ed. R. A. Eklund and J. E. Phelan Jr. (Chicago: Covenant Publications; Eugene, OR:Wipf and Stock)
2014 ‘A New Perspective on Käsemann? Apocalyptic, Covenant, and the Righteousness of God’, pages 243-258 in Studies in the Pauline Epistles: Essays in Honor of Douglas J. Moo, ed. M. S. Harmon and J. E. Smith (Grand Rapids: Zondervan)
2014 ‘Right Standing, Right Understanding and Wright Misunderstanding: A Response’, in Journal for the Study of Paul and his Letters 4.1, 89-106
2014 ‘Translating dikaiosynē: A Response’ in Expository Times 125.10, July, 487-90 (responding to R. K. Moore in the same issue)[i]
2013 ‘The Monarchs and the Message: Reflections on Bible Translation from the Sixteenth to the Twenty-First Century’, in The King James Version at 400: Assessing its Genius as Bible Translation and its Literary Influence, ed. D. G. Burke, J. F. Kutsko and P. H. Towner. Atlanta: SBL, 309-327
2013 ‘The Evangelists’ Use of the Old Testament as an Implicit Overarching Narrative’, in Biblical Interpretation and Method: Studies in Honour of John Barton, ed. K. J. Dell and P. M. Joyce. Oxford: OUP, 189-200
2013 ‘Messiahship in Galatians?’, in Galatians and Christian Theology: Justification, the Gospel and Ethics in Paul’s Letter, ed. M. W. Elliott, S. J. Hafemann, N. T. Wright and J. Frederick, 3-23 (and in Perspectives)
2013 ‘Paul and the Patriarch: the Role(s) of Abraham in Galatians and Romans’, JSNT 35 (3), 207-241 (and in Perepctives)
2012 ‘Imagining the Kingdom: Mission and Theology in Early Christianity’, in Scottish Journal of Theology 65.04, 379-401
2012 ‘Revelation and Christian Hope: Political Implications of the Revelation to John’, in Revelation and the Politics of Apocalyptic Interpretation, ed. R. B. Hays and S. Alkier. Waco, TX.: Baylor University Press, 105-124
2012 ‘Israel’s Scriptures in Paul’s Narrative Theology’, Theology 115.5, September/October, 323-329 (and in Perspectives)
2012 ‘Romans 2.17—3.9: A Hidden Clue to the Meaning of Romans?’, Journal for the Study of Paul and his Letters 1.2, 3-28 (and in Perspectives)
2012 ‘Cristo e Risorto dai Morti, Primizia di Coloro che sono Morti’, in Gesu Nostro Contemporaneo; Con un Messaggio di Benedetto XVI. Siena: Edizioni Cantagalli, 371-389
2012 ‘Paul in Current Anglophone Scholarship’, Expository Times 123 (8) (and in Perspectives)
2011 ‘Justification: Yesterday, Today, and Forever’, in Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 54.1 (March 2011), 49-63 (and in Perspectives)
2011 ‘Christ in You, the Hope of Glory (Col 1:27): Eschatology in St. Paul’, in In the Footsteps of St. Paul: An Academic Symposium. Ed. Archbishop Demetrios of America and John Chryssavgis. Brookline, Mass: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 19-36 (and in Perspectives)
2011 ‘Whence and Whither Historical Jesus Studies in the Life of the Church?’ and ‘Whence and Whither Pauline Studies in the Life of the Church?’, pp 115-158 and 262-281 in Jesus, Paul and the People of God: A Theological Dialogue with N. T. Wright, ed. Nicholas Perrin and Richard B. Hays. Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic. Also brief responses to essayists in the same volume.
2011 ‘Paul and Empire’, in The Blackwell Companion to Paul, ed. Stephen Westerholm. Malden, Massachusetts and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 285-297
2010 ‘Romans 9—11 and the “New Perspective”’, in Between Gospel and Election: Explorations in the Interpretation of Romans 9—11, ed. Florian Wilk and J. Ross Wagner, with Frank Schleritt. WUNT. Tübingen: Mohr, 37–54
2009 ‘A Scripture-Formed Communion? Possibilities and Prospects after Lambeth, ACC and General Convention’, Journal of Anglican Studies vol. 7.2, 1–19
2008 ‘Reading Paul, Thinking Scripture’, in Scripture’s Doctrine and Theology’s Bible: How the New Testament Shapes Christian Dogmatics, ed. Markus Bockmuehl and Alan J. Torrance (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic), 59–71
2008 ‘Faith, Virtue, Justification and the Journey to Freedom’, in The Word Leaps the Gap: Essays on Scripture and Theology Sparked in Honor of Richard B. Hays, ed. J. R. Wagner, C. K. Rowe & A. K. Grieb (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans), 472–497
2008 ‘Kingdom Come: The Public Meaning of the Gospels’, in The Christian Century, June 17, 29–34
2008 ‘God in Public? Reflections on Faith and Society’, Justice Journal 5.1, 17–36 (with a comment by Rabinder Singh QC)
2008 ‘Christian Origins and the Question of God’, in Engaging the Doctrine of God: Contemporary Protestant Perspectives, ed. Bruce L. McCormack (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic; Edinburgh: Rutherford House), 21–36
2007 ‘Paul as Preacher: The Gospel Then and Now’ in Irish Theological Quarterly 72, 131–46
2007 ‘The Reasons for Jesus’ Crucifixion’ (reprint of ch. 12 of Jesus and the Victory of God) in B. Jersack and M. Hardin, eds. Stricken by God? Nonviolent Identification and the Victory of Christ (Abbotsford, Canada: Fresh Wind Press), 78–149
2006 ‘Decoding Da Vinci: The Challenge of Historic Christianity to Conspiracy and Fantasy’, Grove Biblical Studies B39 (Grove Books, Cambridge)
2006 ‘4QMMT and Paul: Justification, “Works,” and Eschatology’, in History and Exegesis: New Testament Essays in Honor of Dr E. Earle Ellis for His 80th Birthday, ed. Sang-Won (Aaron) Son (New York and London: T & T Clark), 104–132
2006 ‘New Perspectives on Paul’, in Justification in Perspective: Historical Developments and Contemporary Challenges, ed. Bruce L. McCormack (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic), 243–264
2005 ‘Witness and Wisdom,’ [on Robert Browning and the tasks facing a modern Christian university], in Studies in Browning and His Circle (Baylor University) 26.2, September 2005, 124–34
2005 ‘Doubts about Doubt: Honest to God Forty Years On’, in Journal of Anglican Studies 3 (2), 181–96
2005 ‘Resurrecting Old Arguments: Responding to Four Essays’, in Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus 3.2, 187–209
2004 ‘God and Caesar, Then and Now’, in The Character of Wisdom: Essays in Honour of Wesley Carr, ed. Martyn Percy and Stephen Lowe (London: Ashgate), 157–71
2004 ‘Redemption from the New Perspective’, in Redemption, ed. S. T. Davis, D. Kendall, G. O’Collins (Oxford: OUP), 69–100
2002 ‘Freedom and Framework, Spirit and Truth: Recovering Biblical Worship’, in Studia Liturgica 32, 176–95
2002 ‘Jesus’ Self-Understanding,’ in The Incarnation, ed. S. T. Davis, D. Kendall, G. O’Collins (Oxford: OUP), 47–61
2002 ‘Jesus’ Resurrection and Christian Origins,’ in Gregorianum 83/4, 615–635 (abridged and adapted in Passionate Conviction: Contemporary Discourses on Christian Apologetics, ed. Paul Copan and Willian Lane Craig (Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing Group, 2007), 123–37
2002 ‘Resurrection: From Theology to Music and Back Again,’ in J. Begbie, ed., Sounding the Depths: Theology Through the Arts (London: SCM Press), 193–202
2002 ‘Paul and Caesar: A New Reading of Romans,’ in A Royal Priesthood: The Use of the Bible Ethically and Politically, ed. C. Bartholemew (Carlisle: Paternoster), 173–193 (lightly re-written version of ‘A Fresh Perspective on Paul?’)
2002 ‘Coming Home to St Paul? Reading Romans a Hundred Years after Charles Gore,’ in Scottish Journal of Theology 55, 392–407
2001 ‘A Fresh Perspective on Paul?’, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 83, no. 1, 21–39
2001 ‘The Lord’s Prayer as a Paradigm of Christian Prayer’, in Into God’s Presence. Prayer in the New Testament, ed. R. L. Longenecker. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 132–54
2001 ‘Jesus and the Resurrection’, in Jesus Then and Now: Images of Jesus in History and Christology, ed. Marvin Meyer and Charles Hughes. Harrisburg, Pa.: Trinity Press International, 54–71.
2000 ‘New Heavens, New Earth’, in Called to One Hope: Perspectives on Life to Come. Drew Lectures on Immortality Delivered at Spurgeon’s College, ed. John Colwell. Carlisle: Paternoster Press, 31–51. (Slightly edited update of 1999 article with same title.)
2000 ‘Paul’s Gospel and Caesar’s Empire’, in Paul and Politics: Ekklesia, Israel, Imperium, Interpretation. Essays in Honor of Krister Stendahl, ed. Richard A. Horsley. Harrisburg, Pa.: Trinity Press International, 160–83. (Slightly edited update of 1999 article with same title.)
2000 ‘Resurrection in Q?’ in Christology, Controversy and Community: New Testament Essays in Honour of David R. Catchpole, ed. D. G. Horrell and C. M. Tuckett. Leiden: Brill, 85–97.
2000 ‘Gospels’, in Oxford Companion to Christian Thought, ed. A. Hastings. Oxford: OUP, 274–6.
2000 ‘The Letter to the Galatians: Exegesis and Theology’ in Joel B. Green and Max Turner, eds., Between Two Horizons: Spanning New Testament Studies and Systematic Theology (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans), 205–36
2000 ‘A New Birth?’ review article of J. D. Crossan’s The Birth of Christianity. In Scottish Journal of Theology 53.1, 72–91
1999 ‘In Grateful Dialogue: A Response’, in Jesus and the Restoration of Israel: A Critical Assessment of N. T. Wright’s Jesus and the Victory of God, ed. Carey Newman (Downer’s Grove, Ill.: IVP), 234–268, 306–309
1999 ‘Paul’s Gospel and Caesar’s Empire’, in Center of Theological Inquiry Reflections (Princeton) 2, Spring 1999, 42–65.
1999 ‘The Biblical Formation of a Doctrine of Christ’, in Who Do You Say that I Am? Christology and the Church, ed. Donald Armstrong (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans), 47–68
1999 ‘New Exodus, New Inheritance: the Narrative Substructure of Romans 3—8’ in Romans and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Gordon D. Fee on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, ed. S. K. Soderlund and N. T. Wright (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999), 26–35.
1999 ‘New Heaven, New Earth: The Biblical Picture of Christian Hope’. Grove Biblical Booklets no. 11. Cambridge: Grove Books (reprinted 2000; see above)
1999 ‘Five Gospels but No Gospel: Jesus and the Seminar’, in Authenticating the Activities of Jesus, ed. Bruce Chilton and Craig A. Evans. Leiden: Brill, 1999, 83–120. Slightly revised from earlier publication in W. R. Farmer (ed.), Crises in Christology: Essays in Quest of Resolution. Dove Booksellers, Livonia, Michigan, 1995, 115–157.
1998 ‘Theology, History and Jesus: A Response to Maurice Casey and Clive Marsh’, in Journal for the Study of the New Testament 69, 105–112.
1998 ‘Jesus and the Quest’, in The Truth About Jesus, ed. Donald Armstrong. Eerdmans. Pp. 4–25.
1998 ‘Christian Origins and the Resurrection of Jesus’: (1) The Resurrection of Jesus as a Historical Problem’, in Sewannee Theological Review 41.2, 1998, 107–123; (2) ‘Early Traditions and the Origins of Christianity’, 125–140; (3) ‘The Resurrection and the Postmodern Dilemma’, 141–156.
1998 ‘Jesus and the Identity of God’, in Ex Auditu 14, 42–56
1998 ‘The Servant and Jesus: The Relevance of the Colloquy for the Current Quest for Jesus’, in Jesus and the Suffering Servant: Isaiah 53 and Christian Origins, ed. William H. Bellinger, Jr. and William R. Farmer. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International. 281–297.
1997 ‘Doing Justice to Jesus: a response to J. D. Crossan, “What Victory? What God?”’, in Scottish Journal of Theology 50.3, 359–79.
1996 ‘A Biblical Portrait of God’, in The Changing Face of God: Lincoln Lectures in Theology 1996 (Lincoln Studies in Theology, 2), by N. T. Wright, Keith Ward, and Brian Hebblethwaite, pp. 9–29
1996 ‘Jesus’, in Early Christian Thought in its Jewish Context, ed. John Barclay & John Sweet. Cambridge: C.U.P., 43–58.
1996 ‘Paul, Arabia and Elijah (Galatians 1:17)’, in Journal of Biblical Literature vol. 115, 683–692.
1996 ‘The Law in Romans 2’, in Paul and the Mosaic Law, ed. J. D. G. Dunn: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen, 1996, 131–50.
1995 ‘Romans and the Theology of Paul’, in Pauline Theology, Volume III, ed. David M. Hay & E. Elizabeth Johnson, 30–67. Minneapolis: Fortress. (Republished, with minor alterations, from SBL 1992 Seminar Papers, ed. E. H. Lovering, pp. 184–213.)
1995 ‘Two Radical Jews: a review article of Daniel Boyarin, A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identity’ (University of California Press 1994). In Reviews in Religion and Theology 1995/3 (August), 15–23.
1994 ‘Gospel and Theology in Galatians’, in Gospel in Paul: Studies on Corinthians, Galatians and Romans for Richard N. Longenecker, eds. L. Ann Jervis and Peter Richardson, pp. 222–239. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, Supplement Series 108. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.
1993 ‘On Becoming the Righteousness of God: 2 Corinthians 5:21’, in Pauline Theology, Volume II, ed. D. M. Hay: Augsburg Fortress, Minneapolis, 200–208.
1993 ‘Taking the Text with her Pleasure: A Post-Post-Modernist Response to J. Dominic Crossan The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant (with apologies to A. A. Milne, St Paul, and James Joyce)’ in Theology 96, 1993, 303–310
1992 ‘Romans and Pauline Theology’, in SBL 1992 Seminar Papers, (see above).
1992 ‘Quest for the Historical Jesus’ in Anchor Bible Dictionary, ed. D. N. Freedman, vol. 3, 796–802. New York: Doubleday.
1991 ‘One God, One Lord, One People: Incarnational Christology for a Church in a Pagan Environment’, in Ex Auditu 7, 1991, 45–58.
1991 ‘Putting Paul Together Again’, in Pauline Theology, Volume I: Thessalonians, Philippians, Galatians, Philemon, ed. J. Bassler: Augsburg Fortress, Minneapolis, 1991, 183–211. Adapted and reprinted in The Climax of the Covenant, ch. 1.
1990 ‘Poetry and Theology in Colossians 1:15–20’, New Testament Studies 30, 1990, 444–468. Reprinted in The Climax of the Covenant, ch.5.
1987 ‘Reflected Glory? 2 Corinthians iii.18’, in The Glory of Christ in the New Testament: Studies in Christology in Memory of George Bradford Caird (details above), pp. 139–150. Considerably emended, and reprinted, in The Climax of the Covenant, ch.9.
1986 ‘“Constraints” and the Jesus of History’, in Scottish Journal of Theology 9.2, 1986, pp. 189–21
1986 ‘harpagmos and the Meaning of Philippians 2.5–11’, in Journal of Theological Studies, vol 37 part 2, October 1986, pp. 321–52. Considerably expanded for The Climax of the Covenant ch. 4.
1985 ‘Jesus, Israel and the Cross’, in SBL 1985 Seminar Papers, ed. K.H. Richards. Chico, California: Scholars Press. Pp. 75–95.
1983 ‘Adam in Pauline Christology’, in SBL 1983 Seminar Papers, ed. K.H. Richards. Chico, California: Scholars Press. Pp. 359–89. Adapted and reprinted in The Climax of the Covenant, ch. 2.
1982 ‘A New Tübingen School? Ernst Käsemann and his Significance’, in Themelios 7, pp. 6–16.
1981 ‘Where Shall Doctrine Be Found?’ in Believing in the Church: The Corporate Nature of Faith, a Report by the Doctrine Commission of the Church of England. London: SPCK. Pp. 108–41.
1980 ‘The Meaning of peri hamartias in Romans 8:3’ in Studia Biblica 1978 vol. 3. Ed. E.A. Livingstone. Sheffield: JSOT Press. Pp. 453–9. Reprinted (updated) in The Climax of the Covenant, ch. 11.
1978 ‘The Paul of History and the Apostle of Faith’, in Tyndale Bulletin 29, 1978, pp. 61–88. The Tyndale New Testament Lecture for 1978.
Other Articles
(not including contributions to the ‘Fulcrum’ website (
2015 ‘From Genesis to Revelation: An Anglican Perspective’, in Not Just Good but Beautiful, Pope Francis et al. New York: Plough Publishing. 85-96 (Also published as ‘What is Marriage For?’ in Plough Quarterly, Autumn 2015 number 6, 38-43)
2015 ‘Stories that Explain and a Message that Transforms’, pp. 14-15 in C21 Resources (Boston College), Fall 2015
2015 ‘Paul and Adam?’ in The Lost World of Adam and Eve: Genesis 2—3 and the Human Origins Debate, by John H. Walton. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press
2014 ‘Foreword’ forJohann Sebastian Bach’s St John Passion (BWV 245): A Theological Commentary by A. Loewe. Leiden: Brill, xiii-xviii
2014 Preface for A. Angel, Playing with Dragons
2014 New Introduction for The Challenge of Jesus at reprint
2014 New Introduction for Chinese translation of The New Testament and the People of God
2014 New ‘Introduction’ for Korean translation of Romans (in NIB vol. 10, published separately)
2013 ‘A Mystery Glimpsed’ (review of Joseph Ratzinger, Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives), Times Literary Supplement March 29, 13
2013 ‘The Church may be hypocritical, but is no-one else guilty?’
Guardian website, 6 March (
2012 ‘It’s about the Bible, not fake ideas of progress’ (after the Synod vote on women bishops), The Times 23 November
2012 ‘The Government will be On His Shoulders’ (a Christmas sermon) in Proclaiming Christmas: 40 Talks and Sermons, ed. J. John. Chorleywood: Philo Trust, 161-164
2012 ‘Lords Reform’, The Times, 9 July 2012
2012 ‘Christ and Culture: the Challenge of Tomorrow’s World’ in CCCU Advance, spring 2012, 14-19, 53-57
2012 ‘After Rowan’, The Times, 17 March 2012
2011 ‘In Israel’s Scriptures’, (reviewing books on Jesus by the Pope, Maurice Casey, and Bruce Fisk) in Times Literary Supplement December 16, 10-12
2011 ‘Keep the Faith: How the Church of England can – and will – endure’, The Spectator, 20 August, 18-19
2011 ‘Exceptional Justice?’, Church Times, May 8 (and similar piece on Guardian website) (about the killing of Osama bin Laden)
2011 ‘In Full Accord: Paul’s Social Gospel’, Christian Century 128., March 8, 25-29 (adapted from ‘Whence and Whither Pauline Studies’, in Hays and Perrin (eds.) (above)
2010 ‘The Bishop and Living Under Scripture’, in Christ and Culture (Canterbury Studies in Anglicanism), ed. M. Percy et al. Norwich: Canterbury Press; Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Publishing, 144–166
2009 ‘Donegality’: article review of Michael Ward, Planet Narnia, in Times Literary Supplement, October 23, pp. 23f.
2009 ‘Imagining Christianly’, in Alive Now (Nashville, Tennessee), July/August 2009, 34–37 (adapted from longer article in ‘Response’ (Seattle Pacific)
2009 ‘The Fourfold Amor Dei and the Word of God’ (edited version of speech at Synod of Bishops, Rome, October 2008), in Trinity Journal for Theology and Ministry 3.1, Spring 2009, 32–41
2009 ‘The Americans Know This Will End in Schism’, The Times, July 15
2009 ‘We Need Genuine Accountability’, The Times, May 28
2009 ‘Two Days to Save a Man at Risk’, The Times, April 29
2009 ‘Resurrection Tomorrow’, The Times, April 11 (Holy Saturday)
2009 ‘The Signpost for our Age’, Parliamentary Brief, vol 12 no 4 (April), 13–14
2009 ‘The Bible can Put New Zest into Ecumenism’, Catholic Herald January 16, p. 8 (discussed in editorial leader, p. 13)
2008 ‘Homelessness as a Sign of Our World’, Sunday Telegraph website, December 28
2008 ‘The Bible and Tomorrow’s World’, Crowther Centre Monographs 4 (Oxford: CMS). (Address given at the Lambeth Conference.)
2008 ‘Word and Sacraments’, three articles in Reformed Worship 89, 90 & 91
2008 ‘A Dark World of Dubious Moral Values’, The Times, April 3 (on euthanasia etc.)
2008 ‘Staying in the Boat’, Church Times, January 25
2007 ‘The Gospel of the Kingdom’, reported interview in Becky Garrison, Rising from the Ashes: Rethinking Church (New York: Seabury Books, 2007), 53–56
2007 ‘And What of This World?’ Reflections on the new Encyclical, The Tablet, 8 December
2007 Christmas messages in The Journal, Sunderland Echo and Northern Echo
2007 Foreword to Nigel W. Oakley, Engaging Politics? The Tensions of Christian Political Involvement. Carlisle: Paternoster
2007 Foreword to Alexander Boddy: A Life by Gavin Wakefield. Carlisle: Paternoster
2007 ‘Simply Lewis: Reflections on a Master Apologist after 60 Years’, in Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity, 20.2, March 2007, 28–33
2006 Christmas messages in Sunderland Echo and Northern Echo
2006 ‘Shipwreck and Kingdom: Acts and the Anglican Communion’ (closing address at the 13th meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council), in Living Communion: The Official Report of the 13th Meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council, Nottingham 2005, ed. J. M. Rosenthal and S. T. Erdey. New York: Church Publishing Incorporated, 106–118
2006 ‘Women and Episcopacy: A Response to Cardinal Kasper’ (with David Stancliffe). Grove Books, July 2006; republished in Women as Bishops, ed. J. Digney. London: Mowbray, 2008, 110–123
2006 ‘The “Gospel of Judas” and the Gospel of Jesus’, Church of England Newspaper, April 14
2006 Easter messages in Sunderland Echo and BBC Wear website
2005 Christmas messages in The Journal, Sunderland Echo and Northern Echo
2005 ‘Why Dr Williams Must Stand Firm’, Church Times, December 2
2005 ‘Reason to be Cheerful’, The Guardian, July 16
2005 ‘Decoding Da Vinci’, in Borderlands 4, Summer 2005, 24–27
2005 ‘Resurrection in Christian Spirituality’, ‘Lord’s Prayer,’ in P. Sheldrake (ed.), Dictionary of Christian Spirituality. London and Louisville: SCM and WJKP. (‘Lord’s Prayer’ reprinted in Catholic Spiritual Practices: A Treasuyr of Old and New, ed. C. M. Griffith and T. H. Groome. Brewster, Mass.: Paraclete Press, 2012, 9-13
2005 ‘Philippians’, ‘Resurrection of the Body’, ‘Resurrection Narratives’, ‘Roman Empire’, in K. Vanhoozer, C. G. Bartholomew, D. J. Treier and N. T. Wright (eds.), Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of Scripture. Grand Rapids and London: Baker and SPCK. (Article on ‘Philippians’ reprinted in Theological Interpretation of the New Testament: A Book-by-Book Survey, same editors & publisher, 2008
2005 ‘Evil and the Cross’, Daily Mail, Good Friday
2005 ‘The Cross and the Teddy Bear’, Sunderland Echo, Good Friday
2005 ‘No More Sea’, The Independent, 1 January
2004 ‘Thoughts on Concerns and Questions about thwe Windsor Report’, Fulcrum Website (www., October
2004 ‘Blindly Embracing Diversity Will Damage Unity’, The Guardian, 23 October
2004 ‘The Windsor Report is a Step Towards Maturity,’ The Tablet, 23 October
2004 ‘We Can All Celebrate Diversity,’ Church Times, 22 October
2004 ‘Preface’ to Questioning Q, ed. M. Goodacre and N. Perrin. London: SPCK, ix–xi
2004 ‘The Spirit and Judgment’, The Guardian, 29 May
2004 ‘An Incompleat (but Grateful) Response to the Rewview by Markus Bockmuehl of The Resurrection of the Son of God’, in Journal for the Study of the New Testament 26.4, June, 505-510
2004 ‘Arguments for Easter’, The Independent, April 10
2004 ‘On the Road to Emmaus’, in Scriptures in Dialogue: Christians and Muslims Studying the Bible and the Qur’an Together, ed. Michael Ipgrave. London: Church House Publishing. Pp. 25–35
2003 ‘The Son and the Sun’, The Times, December 24
2003 ‘Darkness at Christmas’, The Independent, December 24
2003 Christmas meditations in The Journal (Newcastle); Sunderland Echo; and Northern Echo.
2003 ‘Saddam and Herod’, The Guardian, December 20
2003 Church Times, November 7
2003 ‘That Special Relationship’, The Guardian, October 18
2003–10 regular features in Durham Diocesan Newslink etc.
2003 ‘Reminiscences of a Canon’, The Chorister (Westminster Abbey)
2003 ‘Imagine There’s No Heaven – Not Such a Hellish Idea’, Sunday Times (News Review), April 20
2003 ‘What Happened At The Resurrection?’, Church Times, April 17
2003 ‘Two Easter Sermons’, Ship-of-Fools Website, Easter (reprinted with minor alterations in Surprised by Hope (2007)
2003 ‘Why Does Higher Education Need Theology?’, The Times Higher Education Supplement, 25 April
2003 ‘Who Takes the Blame for Evil?’, Church Times, 28 February
2002 New ‘Introduction’ to 2nd. edn. of Ben F. Meyer, The Aims of Jesus (Princeton Theological Monograph Series no. 48. San Jose, Ca.: Pickwick), 90–9l
2001 ‘Christmas in 28 Verses’, Church Times, 21 December
2001 ‘All Greek to Me’ (on translating the New Testament): Church Times, 2 November
2001 ‘Son of God’ in The Tablet
2000 ‘Setting Scholars Straight about the Bible’, in Crisis Magazine (Washington DC), June, 38–41
2000 ‘The Grinch that Stole Advent’, in Church Times, 29 December
2000 ‘Millennium and Apocalyptic: Jesus Then and Now’ in The Twentieth-Century Legacy, ed. Roger Mills. Newcastle: Claremont Publications, 11–23
1999 ‘The Wheel, the Clock and the River’, Church Times 24/31 December 1999
1999 ‘Man’s Bedevilment and God’s’ (on Trevor Hoddle’s dismissal as England football coach), Church Times, 5 Feb 1999 (excerpted in The Guardian weekly review, 6 Feb)
1998 ‘Electoral Defeat’ (on the election of bishops), in Church of England Newspaper, March 20
1998 ‘Preface’ for new edition of Marcus J. Borg, Conflict, Holiness and Politics in the Teachings of Jesus. Philadelphia: Trinity Press International.
1997 ‘Response’ to review of Jesus and the Victory of God, in Expository Times 108, June, 259
1997 ‘Response’ to review of Jesus and the Victory of God, in Reviews in Religion and Theology, May, 12–14
1997 ‘A Post-modern Princess’, Church Times, September 12
1997–2001 regular columnist (x 3 p.a.) in Bible Review
1997 ‘The Book and the Story’, Transmission (Bible Society), summer 1997, 6–9
1997 ‘Introduction’ for the new Eerdmans edition of G. B. Caird, The Language and Imagery of the Bible, xi–xxviii
1997 ‘A Novelist Dancing on Banana Skins’ in The Independent, March 8
1996 Introduction for The Wisdom of Jesus, ed. Philip Law. Oxford: Lion.
1996 ‘How Jesus Saw Himself’, in Bible Review 12, 22–29. Virtually identical article also published as ‘The Historical Jesus and Christian Theology’ in Sewanee Theological Review 39, 404–12
1996 Foreword for (reissue of) The Sacrament of the Word by Archbishop Donald Coggan. London: SPCK.
1996 ‘Peter’ in The Country Church Visitors’ Handbook 1996, ed. Sandy Marchant; pp. 99f.
1995 ‘God the Only Son’ in The Independent, December
1995–2000 weekly articles on the Sunday lectionary, in The Church Times (articles for 1997–2000 published in 3 vols. as Twelve Months of Sundays)
1994 ‘Credo’ in The Times, August
1994 ‘Does God prefer to listen to Radio 3?’ in The Church of England Newspaper, February 18
1994 ‘The New Paganisms’ in Shaping our Future: Challenges for the Church in the Twenty-First Century. J. Stephen Freeman, ed., pp. 114–129. Cambridge, Mass.: Cowley Publications.
1993 ‘Christmas People’ in The Independent, Dec. 31
1993 ‘Who Was Jesus?’ quoted in Time Magazine and in U. S. News, December issues
1993 ‘Credo’ in The Times, July
1993 ‘Personally Speaking’ in Themelios 18.2, 35.
1992 ‘Jerusalem in the New Testament’, in Jerusalem Past and Present in the Purposes of God. P. W. L. Walker, ed., pp. 53–77. (2nd edn. 1994.) Carlisle: Paternoster. Grand Rapids: Baker.
1992 ‘Golden Headship with Feet of Clay’, The Independent, Sept.
1991 ‘How can the Bible be Authoritative?’ Vox Evangelica 21, 7–32.
1990 ‘The New Testament and the “State”’, Themelios 16, 11–17.
1988 Six articles for Eerdmans/IVP New Dictionary of Christian Theology: ‘Jesus’, ‘Paul’ (2,000 words each), ‘Righteousness’, ‘Justification’, ‘Universalism’ (1,000 each) and ‘Käsemann, E.’ (200 words).
1985 ‘The Gospel in Today’s World’, in Christianity: A World Faith, Lion/Eerdmans. Pp. 271–279.
1984 ‘Puzzling Over Paul: Some Introductory Reflections’ in ARC (Montreal) vol. 12, pp. 29–37.
1984 ‘The Biblical Picture of Evangelism.’ Papers on Renewal and Evangelism, no. 6. Cincinatti: Forward Movement.
1982 ‘Towards a Third Quest? Jesus Then and Now’ in ARC vol. 10, pp. 20–27.
1980 ‘Justification: The Biblical Basis and its Relevance for Contemporary Evangelicalism’, in The Great Acquittal (ed. G. Reid). London: Collins. Pp. 13–37.
1980 ‘Evangelical Anglican Identity: The Connection Between Bible, Gospel and Church’. Latimer Studies no. 8. Oxford: Latimer. (Published as a 35-page booklet; now republished (2008) as a book, with two companion pieces by J. I. Pakcer and a substantial new introduction)
1980 ‘Godliness and Good Learning: Cranfield’s Romans’, in Themelios 6, pp. 18–24.
1979 ‘Towards a Biblical View of Universalism’ in Themelios 4, pp. 54–8.
1978 ‘Paul and the State’ in Third Way vol. 2 (four short articles).
1977 ‘Jesus Christ the Only Saviour’ (Co-authored with M. Sadgrove) in Obeying Christ in a Changing World, ed. J.R.W. Stott. London: Collins. Pp. 161–89.
1976 ‘Nairobi: Action in Search of Reflection’ in Churchman 90, 1976, pp. 110–33.
1975 ‘Universalism and the World-Wide Community’ in Churchman 89, 1975, pp. 197–212.
During the past 40 years (1974–2014) I have reviewed some 80 books for Journal of Theological Studies, Scottish Journal of Theology, Journal of Religion, The Tablet, Reviews in Religion and Theology, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, Evangelical Quarterly, Churchman, Themelios, The Times Literary Supplement, and other journals.
The Easter Oratorio by Paul Spicer is a setting of John’s Gospel chs. 20–21, interspersed with my meditations on Jesus’ resurrection. It received its first two performances at the Lichfield Festival on July 15 2000 and at the Ely Festival on September 16 2000, conducted by the composer. Parts of it were broadcast by BBC radio in April 2001. It has also been performed in the United States, Truro Cathedral, and (performed by the Birmingham Bach Choir, conducted by the composer) in Birmingham and Durham in April 2005. A full CD recording has now appeared (as well as a CD of the abridged broadcast performance in April 2001), with enthusiastic reviews including ‘Editor’s Choice’ in The Gramophone, April 2006.
The Advent Oratorio by Paul Spicer is a setting of various Advent scriptural passages from both OT and NT, interspersed with my meditations on the whole theme. It received its first performance, sung by the Lichfield Special Choir accompanied by the St Chad’s Camerata, conducted by Philip Scriven, on December 5 2009, and received enthusiastic reviews in the Birmingham Post and elsewhere. A CD of the first performance is available.
Published Letters
2015 ‘Margaret Thatcher and Oxford’, Times Literary Supplement, December 18 and 25, p. 6
2015 ‘Back-Seat Bishops’, The Times, Monday 16 February
2014 ‘The Historic Present’, The Times, Saturday 2 August
2013 ‘Welby, God and the language of Belief’, The Times, Tuesday 31 December
2013 ‘Language and Values’, Times Literary Supplement, January 11, p. 6
2012 ‘Women Bishops and Scripture’, The Times, November 30
2012 ‘Women Bishops and Church/State Relations’, The Times, November 26
2012 ‘Scripture, tradition and “liberalism”’, The Times, October 10
2011 ‘Consider the Poor’ (on interest rates and international debt), The Times, October 14
2011 ‘Hyphens/Dashes’, The Times Literary Supplement May 13, p. 6
2009 ‘Appointments to the Episcopate’, Church of England Newspaper, July 17
2008 ‘Easter Sermon’, The Times, March 28 (responding to David Aaronovitch)
2008 ‘Use Up Our Coal’, The Times, January 11
2005 ‘Bishops’ Views on Women’, The Times, July 14
2005 ‘God Incarnate’, The Times Literary Supplement, June 10, p. 23
2005 ‘Police Core Values’, The Times February 2
2004 ‘Bishops’ Housing’, Church of England Newspaper November 20
2004 ‘The Archbishops’ Letter to Mr Blair’, The Times, July 3
2003 ‘Divisions Within Anglicanism’, The Times, November 6
2003 ‘Karen Armstrong’s Claims’, The Guardian, October 22
2003 ‘The Purpose of Bishops’, The Times, February 27
2002 ‘Bible Bloomer,’ The Times, May 11
2001 ‘The Causes of Terrorism,’ The Times, September 13
2000 ‘International Conflict’, The Times, December 20
2000 ‘Lost Worlds’ (on the need to excavate Colossae), The Times, January 7
1999 ‘Cancelling Third World Debt’, The Times, May 4
1998 ‘Churchill and the Holocaust’, The Times, October 21
1998 ‘Internet Addiction’, The Times, March 18
1998 ‘Oxford Exams’, The Times, March 12
1997 ‘A. N. Wilson & St Paul’, Sunday Times, March 2
1996 ‘What’s in a Name’, The Times, December 7
‘Pastoral Guidance is a Matter of Privacy’, Daily Express, September 11
1995 ‘Of Priests and Prophets’, The Guardian, September 12
1994 ‘Season’s Bleatings’, The Times, December 19 1994; also December 23
‘Quebec Election’, The Times, September
‘Truth and Myths on Women Priests’, The Times, March
1989 ‘Justification’, The Daily Telegraph, October
‘The Crisis in Lebanon’, The Times, September
1981 ‘The Roots of the Reformation’, The Times, January
1978 ‘The New Pope’, The Times, July