N.T. Wright will teach on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians at this year’s Summer Intensive. Click here for more information on the course. Tickets are available by clicking here.
The Christmas Story Has Always Been About Power
Like a shoddy police procedural with an easily-recognizable bad guy—the unshaven one with the heavy accent—the Christmas story has one villain in particular. Not Joseph, who didn’t believe Mary’s tale until an angel came to him in a dream. Not the innkeeper who said there was “no room” for Joseph and Mary. (That’s probably a […]
The God of All Comfort
Standalone Sermon: The God of All Comfort from Central Presbyterian Church in New York City. The history of God’s people is one of abundant blessing but not without exile, persecution, and hardship. At every point throughout the biblical narrative, God’s people have found themselves in need of comfort. And in those moments, the almighty, all […]
The Challenge of Acts
A new and inviting introduction to the Acts of the Apostles from New Testament scholar and theologian N. T. Wright. Acts is a substantial book. It sits right in the middle of the New Testament, looking back to the four Gospels and ahead to the mission of the early church. It provides a framework for […]
Episode 674: NT Wright—Pastoring in a Partisan Age
A new Tübingen school? Ernst Käsemann and his commentary on Romans
In 1925, as a student of 19 years old, Ernst Käsemann attended a lecture course (by Erik Peterson) on the Epistle to the Romans. Looking back from the vantage-point of 1973, he could write that this early experience determined his course of study ‘and in some sense, as befits a theologian, my life’. ‘The basic […]
Unbelievable? Jesus and Modern Politics with Tom ‘NT’ Wright, Preston Sprinkle and Billy Hallowell
Resisting the Empire: A Kingdom-Oriented Approach to Politics & Government
When we consider politics and government, how can we best guide ourselves and our churches to live out a Christ-centered political witness? In this week’s conversation on FrontStage BackStage, host Jason Daye is joined by Dr. N.T. Wright. Tom is the former Bishop of Durham, Professor Emeritus at the University of St. Andrews, and a […]
A Summer Intensive with N.T. Wright
A Summer Intensive with N.T. WrightJune 9-12, in Houston, Texas Prof. Wright will be teaching about Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.On the fence about purchasing tickets?Here’s a preview of what we’ll be discussing. Prof. Wright has been preparing for this event by lecturing on the topic to students at Wycliffe Hall. Click here to read an excerpt of […]
The Table Podcast: Roaming Through Romans
The Link Between the Resurrection and Elections
I went to a funeral recently. It was an old friend and former colleague. The big “C,” diagnosed six years ago. He outlived the first diagnosis by five years but eventually it caught up. Splendid service, lovely music, fine sermon, many poignant moments. I met dozens of people I hadn’t seen for years. All as it […]
Jesus and the Powers
New from N.T. Wright and Michael F. Bird… An urgent call for Christians everywhere to explore the nature of the kingdom amid the political upheaval of our day. Should Christians be politically withdrawn, avoiding participation in politics to maintain their prophetic voice and to keep from being used as political pawns? Or should Christians be […]
Seminary Dropout: A Deep Dive Into the Heart of Romans With N. T. Wright
Shane Blackshear interviews N.T. Wright on the Seminary Dropout Podcast.
Slow Theology Podcast Presents: Into the Heart of Romans (Interview with NT Wright)
The Russell Moore Show: N.T. Wright on the Bible’s Most Misunderstood Verse
Many evangelicals are taught to share the gospel according to the “Romans Road,” which charts a path through the Book of Romans to explain the path to salvation. But English theologian and prolific author N. T. Wright says that, while anything that highlights how God’s love reaches out to humanity is good news, the Book […]
The Bible’s Most Misunderstood Verse
When I was working as a bishop, interviewing clergy for parish jobs, one of the questions I would sometimes ask was, “If you could take one chapter of the Bible to a desert island, which would it be?” To make it more interesting, I would often add, “Let’s say you’ve already got Romans 8.” Otherwise […]
Everything Happens with Kate Bowler: The Mystery of God
Scripture can become a weapon in the hands of the ultra-certain. As if every pain or suffering is part of “God’s divine plan.” So how should we understand and apply the Bible to our real lives with our real-life problems? NT Wright, a New Testament scholar, is a trusted expert to help us understand what […]
Into the Heart of Romans
On September 22, Tom Wright announced his new book, Into the Heart of Romans. In this announcement video, Tom shares how the book of Romans continues to surprise him and brings new discoveries even after working on Paul’s letter for fifty years. Free access to the first chapter is available here: https://zondervanacademic.com/leads/into-the-heart-of-romans Learn more: https://zondervanacademic.com/into-the-heart-of-romans
Harvard Faith and Veritas 2023
Tom Wright will be speaking during a keynote session at Harvard Faith and Veritas 2023.
Summer Intensive with N. T. Wright
June 4-7 2023, join Truett Seminary as we host N.T. Wright in Houston, Texas. This in-depth, multi-day seminar on “Acts: New World, New People” will afford attendees the opportunity to listen to and learn from world-renowned theologian N.T. Wright at our Truett in Houston Campus.
Lewis House Lecture
Lewis House recently hosted an evening with N. T. Wright.
Asbury Theological Seminary N.T. Wright Archive
Asbury Theological Seminary Welcomes N. T. Wright November 15-17, 2022
Preachers talk about Christianity. Queen Elizabeth went out and lived it
Christmas lunch, for many British families, has regularly concluded with everyone gathering around the television to hear the Queen’s annual message to the nation and the Commonwealth. About twenty years ago it was widely reported that some of Her Majesty’s advisors had suggested to her that, now that Britain was home to many different religious traditions, […]
Remembering Queen Elizabeth II
NT Wright shares his memories of preaching for the Queen while he was the Bishop of Durham. He reflects on her strong Christian faith and how the church can respond in faith and hope at this time of national mourning. Ask NT Wright Anything: Remembering Queen Elizabeth II
Lanier Theological Library: The Romans Road
The Romans Road: Through the Dark Valley at Lanier Theological Library YouTube: https://youtu.be/pyx8Y_aXXJc. Links to previous lectures at Lanier Theological Library are also available.
Summer Intensive with N.T. Wright
Romans 8: the Son, the Spirit, and the New Creation June 5-8 Waco, Texas This in-depth, multi-day seminar will afford attendees a rare opportunity to listen to and learn from one whom Christianity Today describes as ‘the most prolific biblical scholar in a generation’ and ‘the most important apologist for the faith since C.S. Lewis’. […]
On Earth As In Heaven
Like time itself, certain ideas creep up on you and, before you know it, they have changed the way you think about everything else. That’s how it was for me with the resurrection of Jesus. Brought up to go to church, to sing the hymns and say the prayers, I knew the story. “On the […]
Ethnicity, Justice, and the People of God
We are on the cusp of releasing our new course, Ethnicity, Justice, and the People of God. As such, I would like to introduce Prof. Esau McCaulley to you; he and I are teaching this course as a team. Esau came to study with me in St Andrews in 2013 and quickly established himself as a […]
Updated Publications List
Publications Academic Books. Many are now translated into multiple languages2021 Galatians. Christian Formation Commentaries. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans2020 Interpreting Jesus: Essays on the Gospels. London: SPCK; Grand Rapids: Zondervan2020 Interpreting Paul: Essays on the Apostle and his Letters. London: SPCK; Grand Rapids: Zondervan2020 Interpreting Scripture: Essays on the Bible and Hermeneutics. London: SPCK; Grand Rapids: Zonderva2019 […]
How the Christmas Stories Call the Church to a Different Vision
Two weeks ago I visited our old family church, in the far north of England. I was placing flowers by my parents’ gravestone, in front of memorials to my grandparents, great-grandparents and sundry uncles and aunts. But my eye was drawn, as it has often been, to the Jesse Window in the east end of […]
Descent of the Dove: Knowing and Loving in Spirit and Truth
Descent of the Dove: Knowing and Loving in Spirit and Truth Pusey House Theological Conference Monday, 4 July to Wednesday, 6 July 2022 http://www.puseyhouse.org.uk Descent of the Dove: Knowing and Loving in Spirit and Truth will consider the person and work of the Holy Spirit, and the inevitable transformation which any knowledge of, faith in, or […]
The Exchange: Easter Hope for a Post-Pandemic World
I knew from an early age there was something wrong. I listened to Easter sermons from good evangelical preachers, and they seemed to be missing the point. I suspect the same problem is getting in the way now, as we try to draw from the Easter message the hope that the post-pandemic world will need […]
What is the Point of Celebrating Easter During a Pandemic?
This time last year the talk was all about what we will have learned when the COVID-19 pandemic subsides, and allowing normal life to resume. People, it was suggested, would become more caring, more sensitive, perhaps more green. I see no sign of those utopian dreams today. The only game in town I see coming is the blame game: […]
Anti-Racism in the Church
Sir: Douglas Murray complains that the C of E has embraced the ‘new religion’ of anti-racism (‘The C of E’s new religion’, 20 March). But the truth, which neither he nor the church seems to have realised, is that the ‘anti-racist’ agenda is a secular attempt to plug a long-standing gap in western Christianity. The […]
Diocese of Oxford: Preaching on the Cross
Preaching on the Cross is a three-part series of talks and discussions with Bishop Tom Wright, one of the country’s leading New Testament scholars. The series helps inform our theology of the cross and how we might preach on it over Lent, Holy Week and Easter. Session 1: Hope Amid the Broken Signposts Session 2: The Crown of Thorns […]
Chasing The Rain
Tom Wright has a small role in this new movie. It will release on Amazon on December 18.
Broken Signposts: A Conversation with N.T. Wright
Preaching in a Time of Crisis
Broken Signposts
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