This highly anticipated two-part fourth volume in N.T. Wright’s magisterial series, Christian Origins and the Question of God, is destined to become the standard reference point on the subject for all serious students of the Bible and theology. The mature summation of a lifetime’s study, this landmark volume pays a rich tribute to the breadth and […]
Pauline Perspectives: Essays on Paul 1978–2013
This companion volume to Paul and the Faithfulness of God and Paul and His Recent Interpreters brings together N.T. Wright’s most important articles on Paul and his letters over the last three decades. The book begins with Wright’s auspicious essay of 1978, when as a young, aspiring scholar, he gave the annual Tyndale lecture in Cambridge, and proposed, for […]
Interview with N. T. Wright on Paul and the Faithfulness of God
Interview by Michael F. Bird This is a 25-minute interview Michael F. Bird did with N. T. Wright about his forthcoming book, Paul and the Faithfulness of God. To view the video, visit Patheos.
N. T. Wright Wants to Save the Best Worship Songs
Interview by Andrew Byers The scholar urges the church to stop neglecting Jesus’ prayer book. N. T. Wright wants to see today’s media-saturated church shaped anew by a form of worship and prayer that has shaped the people of God for centuries. In The Case for the Psalms: Why They Are Essential (HarperOne) the churchman […]
With Justification
Book Review: Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision Reviewed by Ben Witherington It is never an easy thing to write a rebuttal book if you are genuinely a Christian person. You keep hoping that people will stop misunderstanding what you have said and written, will think better of ad hominem attacks, and you keep trying the ‘turn […]
Kingdom Come: The Public Meaning of the Gospels
In his new book, The Great Awakening, Jim Wallis describes how as a young man growing up in an evangelical church, he never heard a sermon on the Sermon on the Mount. That telling personal observation reflects a phenomenon about which I have been increasingly concerned: that much evangelical Christianity on both sides of the Atlantic […]
New Testament Scholarship and Christian Discipleship
The Moule Memorial Lecture. Originally delivered on Thursday, June 5, 2008. Introduction Thank you for your welcome, and for the invitation to give this lecture, which of course makes me both sad and proud. Sad because Charlie’s death last autumn was not only a defining moment, the end of an era, but for me, as […]
Reason to Be Cheerful
When I was an undergraduate, I read a book called Clarity Is Not Enough. It challenged the prevailing linguistic philosophy which said less and less with more and more precision. Yes, we have to think and speak accurately, otherwise we go round in circles, but philosophy must be about something – life, meaning, ethics, truth. […]
Shipwreck and Kingdom: Acts and the Anglican Communion
Closing address to the meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council When I heard that you had been studying Acts in your time together, my mind went, for some reason, to acronyms. I imagined myself coming to address the Anglican Communion Theological Society, or perhaps the Anglican Council for Tea and Sympathy, which goodness knows you […]
Paul in Different Perspectives
Delivered at Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church (Monroe, Louisiana) Lecture 1: Starting Points and Opening Reflections Introduction Thank you for your warm welcome and generous hospitality. It is an enormous pleasure for Maggie and myself to be here in Monroe for the first time. I am particularly grateful to those who have worked very hard to […]
N.T. Wright: Anglican Report Is ‘Fireproofing the House’
Interview by Douglas LeBlanc Top theologian on Lambeth Commission talks about what happened behind the scenes, whether the report should have been tougher, and why it’s critical of some conservative bishops. N.T. Wright is the rare sort of theologian who attracts respect from both conservatives and liberals. He became Bishop of Durham in 2003, and for the […]
Freedom and Framework, Spirit and Truth: Recovering Biblical Worship.
Originally published in Studia Liturgica 2002, 32, 176–195. Reproduced by permission of the author. Introduction “Biblical worship” is a huge topic, and one on which I am not really qualified. I am neither a liturgist, nor a liturgiologist. I am simply a New Testament scholar working in a community whose daily life is structured around public and corporate worship, […]
Five Gospels but No Gospel: Jesus and the the Seminary
Originally published in Authenticating the Activities of Jesus, ed. Bruce Chilton and Craig A. Evans, Leiden: Brill, 1999, 83–120. Reproduced by permission of the author. Looking for Jesus People have been looking for Jesus for a long time, but never quite like this. The “Quest of the Historical Jesus” has been proceeding, in fits and starts, […]
Paul’s Gospel and Caesar’s Empire
Written in Reflections, vol. 2, 1998 If Paul’s answer to Caesar is the empire of Jesus, what is an empire under the rule of this new lord? How does Paul’s gospel line up with Caesar’s empire? I am honoured to be lecturing in this famous institution, and my wife and I are deeply grateful for the […]
The Most Dangerous Baby
How an infant in a cow shed overturns the brute force of Caesar. By the time Jesus was born, Augustus had already been monarch for a quarter of a century. King of kings, he ruled from Gibraltar to Jerusalem and from Britain to the Black Sea. He had done what no one had done for […]
Who Founded Christianity: Jesus or Paul? (Farsi)
Who Founded Christianity: Jesus or Paul? (Farsi, PDF 54 KB)
Dick Staub Interview (Farsi)
Dick Staub Interview (Farsi, PDF 97 KB)
Decodificando El Código Da Vinci
N.T. Wright Permítanme decir, primero de todo, que es un placer estar aquí en Seattle y cuán agradecidos estamos mi esposa y yo por su bienvenida, por la hospitalidad y por los que han trabajado duro para hacer posible este acontecimiento. Estoy excitado por el alto perfil dado aquí a la cuestión la cual me […]
Un Dios, un Señor, Un Pueblo
N.T. Wright Mi objetivo en este artículo, es examinar un tema que a menudo está marginado, pero que posiblemente esté tan cerca como cualquier otro del meollo de la teología de Pablo. Me refiero a la pregunta de la carne ofrecida a los ídolos, que trata en 1 Corintios 8-10. Mi argumento es, espero, muy […]
Evangelio y Teología en Gálatas
N.T. Wright La palabra “evangelio” ha tenido una carrera de altibajos en el curso de la historia Cristiana. Durante el primer siglo, como veremos, se podía referir tanto a un mensaje proclamado en voz audible como a un libro sobre Jesús de Nazaret. En tiempos más recientes se ha usado para indicar una particular forma […]
Paulo e César: uma Nova Leitura de Romanos
(Publicado originalmente em A Royal Priesthood: The Use of the Bible Ethically and Politically, ed. C. Bartholemew, 2002, Carlisle: Paternoster, 173–193.) N. T. Wright Nós nos distanciamos rapidamente nos últimos anos da antiga separação, que era presumida e inserida na gama de estudos bíblicos no Ocidente, entre “religião” e “política”. Passamos a perceber que tentar […]
O Braço Nu de Deus
Isaías 52.7-10; João 1.1-14 um sermão para o Dia de Natal 2003 pelo Bispo de Durham, Dr. N. T. Wright “O Senhor desnudou seu braço diante dos olhos de todas as nações; e todos os confins da terra verão a salvação de nosso Deus.” Hoje eu quero destruir um mito e reacender uma paixão. Segundo […]
As Origens Cristãs e a Ressurreição de Jesus: A Ressurreição de Jesus como um Problema Histórico
(Originalmente publicado no Sewanee Theological Review 41.2, 1998) N. T. Wright A Questão da Ressurreição de Jesus se encontra no centro da fé cristã. Não há forma de Cristianismo primitivo, por nós conhecida, que não afirme que após a morte vergonhosa de Jesus, Deus o trouxe de volta à vida. Esta afirmação é, em especial, […]
Paulo em Diferentes Perspectivas
Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church, Monroe, Louisiana pelo Bispo de Durham, Dr N. T. Wright Palestra 1: Pontos Iniciais e Reflexões Introdutórias 3 de Janeiro de 2005 Obrigado por sua recepção calorosa e sua hospitalidade generosa. É um enorme prazer para Maggie e para mim estar aqui em Monroe pela primeira vez. Em especial, estou grato […]
Integridade e Integração: Amando a Deus com Coração, Mente, Alma e Força
Discurso no Gordon College, Massachusetts – 28-Abril-2003 por Dr. N. T. Wright, Westminster Abbey Senhor Presidente, distintos convidados, senhoras e senhores; permitam-me primeiro dizer que é um privilégio ser bem-vindo entre vocês desta forma e receber tal honra. Tenho me alegrado muito em minhas visitas esporádicas a esta universidade, e à sua universidade irmã na […]
Decodificando O Código Da Vinci
O Desafio do Cristianismo Histórico Diante da Fantasia Pós-moderna por N. T. Wright Artigo original em inglês publicado na revista: Seattle Pacific University, Response, Summer 2005, Volume 28, Número 2, Permitam-me dizer logo que é um grande prazer estar aqui em Seattle e quão gratos minha esposa e eu estamos por sua recepção e […]
Paulo, Líder de uma Revolução Judaica
N. T. Wright, Bible Review, Dezembro de 2000 A teologia de Paulo – baseada no pensamento judaico e nas escrituras – o impulsionou a confrontar os poderes de Roma e dos deuses pagãos por trás deles Paulo pensava que Jesus era o tão esperado Messias Davídico? O primeiro escritor cristão parece dizer isto bem no […]
Romanos e a Teologia de Paulo
(Originalmente publicado em Pauline Theology, Volume III, ed. David M. Hay & E. Elizabeth Johnson, 1995, 30–67. Minneapolis: Fortress.) N. T. Wright Lichfield Cathedral Uma teologia judaica para o mundo gentio e um “bem-vindo” aos gentios elaborado para deixar o mundo judaico com ciúmes. Isso, eu proponho, é o que Paulo tem a oferecer a […]
Adieu à l’Enlèvement
NT Wright Paul ne se doutait pas à quel point ses métaphores colorées pour décrire la seconde venue de Jésus seraient mal comprises deux millénaires plus tard. L’obsession américaine pour la seconde venue de Jésus — surtout pour des interprétations faussées de cet événement — continue inchangée. Considéré de mon côté de l’Atlantique, le succès […]
Jesus, Israel and the Cross
Originally published in SBL 1985 Seminar Papers, pp. 75–95. Reproduced by permission of the author. I Like naughty children whispering after a command to silence, and then, greatly daring, talking openly and with increasing volume, New Testament scholars, so long forbidden to talk about Jesus of Nazareth, have begun in the last decade to do so […]
Justification: The Biblical Basis and Its Relevance for Contemporary Evangelicalism
Excerpt from The Great Acquittal: Justification by Faith and Current Christian Thought. Reproduced by permission of the author. Introduction: The Shape of the Doctrine Imagine asking a jeweller to describe a watchspring. He might simply talk about the spring itself: he might demonstrate how it was related to the rest of the mechanism: he might even […]
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