Webmaster’s note: Tom Wright, the Bishop of Durham, has agreed to answer a few questions occasionally from the Wrightsaid email list. I am pleased to make this Q & A available on the N.T. Wright Page. These are his responses for May, 2004. – Question: When Paul speaks of the “church” has he a picture […]
Wrightsaid Q&A – March, 2004
Webmaster’s note: Tom Wright, the Bishop of Durham, has agreed to answer a few questions occasionally from the Wrightsaid email list. I am pleased to make this Q & A available on the N.T. Wright Page. These are his responses for March, 2004. – Question: Would you address the following question in the light of the […]
Wrightsaid Q&A – June, 2007
Webmaster’s note: Tom Wright, the Bishop of Durham, has agreed to answer a few questions occasionally from the Wrightsaid email list. I am pleased to make this Q & A available on the N.T. Wright Page. These are his responses for June, 2007. Question: Do you know of any early expositors who interpret Mark 13 […]
Wrightsaid Q&A – January, 2004
Webmaster’s note: Tom Wright, the Bishop of Durham, has agreed to answer a few questions each month from the Wrightsaid email list. I am pleased to make this Q & A available on the N.T. Wright Page. The Wrightsaid list offers its humble thanks to Bishop Wright for taking time from his busy schedule to […]
Wrightsaid Q&A – February, 2006
Webmaster’s note: Tom Wright, the Bishop of Durham, has agreed to answer a few questions occasionally from the Wrightsaid email list. I am pleased to make this Q & A available on the N.T. Wright Page. These are his responses for February, 2006. — 1) When you discuss God’s three-foldeness (see “Who Was Jesus?”) do […]
Worship and the Spirit in the New Testament
Yale Conference on Worship and the Spirit: February 21–23 2008 N. T. Wright, Bishop of Durham Introduction At first sight, it appears strange that those who have written about the Holy Spirit in the New Testament have not usually given much attention to worship, and those who have written about worship in the New Testament […]
Where is God in ‘The War on Terror’?
a public lecture in Durham Cathedral, 7.30 pm, 9 November 2006 by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright Introduction We live at a remarkable moment in western history and culture. The old certainties and stabilities have been swept away; questions we thought we’d avoided have come back to haunt us. The extraordinary events […]
The Fourfold Amor Dei and the Word of God
intervention by the Rt Revd N. T. Wright, Bishop of Durham (Church of England) Synod of Bishops, 14 October 2008 Your Holiness; your Eminences and Excellences; brothers and sisters in Christ: It is an honour and privilege to be here, and to bring you greetings from the Archbishop of Canterbury. We face the same challenges […]
The Hour has Come
Song of Songs (selections); John 2.1–11 A Sermon at the Wedding of Michael Lloyd and Abigail Doggett in St Peter’s Church, Ugley by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright On the front of your service sheets there is a painting of ‘the Wedding at Cana’, to story we read a few moments ago. […]
Two Radical Jews
a review article of Daniel Boyarin, A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identity. [1] (Originally published in Reviews in Religion and Theology 1995/3 (August), 15–23. Reproduced by permission of the author) by N. T. Wright Lichfield Cathedral, England This is an incredible book. I can’t believe the range, the skill, the chutzpah of it. […]
Taking the Text with Her Pleasure
Taking the Text with Her Pleasure A Post-Post-Modernist Response to J. Dominic Crossan The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant (T & T Clark, Harper San Francisco, 1991) (With apologies to A.A. Milne, St Paul and James Joyce) [Originally published in Theology, 96, 1993, 303–310. Reproduced by permission of the author.] N.T. Wright Crossan’s […]
The ‘Passion’ of St John Today
an interval talk at Ushaw College, Wednesday in Holy Week, April 9 2009 by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright St John’s account of the trial and death of Jesus contains some of the most dense, as well as the most vivid, writing in his already astonishing gospel. Roman historians have long agreed […]
Updated Publications List
Publications Books (more scholarly works marked with *) 2016 The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus’ Crucifixion. San Francisco: HarperOne; London: SPCK 2016 God in Public. London: SPCK 2015 *Paul and his Recent Interpreters. London: SPCK; Minneapolis: Fortress (forthcoming) 2015 The Paul Debate. Waco TX: Baylor University Press; London: SPCK (forthcoming) 2015 […]
Saved in Hope: Reflections on an Encyclical
Originally published in The Tablet, 8 December 2007. Reproduced by permission of the author. by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright The Advent theme of hope is central to the Bible and crucial for Christian faith and life, and it is exciting to have a fresh statement on the subject from one of […]
The Servant and Jesus: The Relevance of the Colloquy for the Current Quest for Jesus
(Originally published in Jesus and the Suffering Servant: Isaiah 53 and Christian Origins, ed. William H. Bellinger, Jr. and William R. Farmer. 1998, Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International. 281–297. Reproduced by permission of the author.) N. T. WRIGHT Introduction I am enormously grateful for the chance to take part in this colloquy. I have caught […]
The Monarchs and the Message: Reflections on Bible Translation from the Sixteenth to the Twenty-First Century
International SBL Meeting, London, July 2011 N. T. Wright St Mary’s College, St Andrews 1. Introduction: Translation as part of Biblical Faith The phrase ‘lost in translation’ is such a cliché that it even became the title of a movie. There is a famous story about a missionary starting a sermon by quoting Jesus’ words, […]
Resurrection: From Theology to Music and Back Again
(Originally published in J. Begbie, ed., Sounding the Depths: Theology Through the Arts, 2002, (London: SCM Press), 193–202. Reproduced by permission of the author.) N. T. WRIGHT Beginnings The second week of May 1998 was a typical week in the life of Lichfield Cathedral. Worship, preaching, meetings, visits and more meetings. And one of those […]
The Resurrection and the Postmodern Dilemma
(Originally published in Sewanee Theological Review 41.2, 1998. Reproduced by permission of the author.) N.T. Wright In concluding this series of lectures, I want to do something rather different than what I have done in the previous two. My interest in the resurrection of Jesus is at the same time fully historical, fully theological, and […]
Redemption from the New Perspective?
[69] Redemption from the New Perspective? Towards a Multi-Layered Pauline Theology of the Cross Originally published in Redemption, ed. S. T. Davis, D. Kendall, G. O’Collins (Oxford: OUP) 2006, 69–100. Original pagination is retained in bold italicized numbers. Reproduced by permission of the author. N. T. WRIGHT I INTRODUCTION Calling something ‘new’ is always risky, and […]
Reading Paul, Thinking Scripture
Originally published in Scripture’s Doctrine and Theology’s Bible. 2008. Baker Academic: Grand Rapids, MI, pages 59-71. Reproduced by permission of the author. N. T. WRIGHT Scripture, Doctrine, and Life: The Puzzle of Perception For many in today’s church, “doctrine,” especially when labeled as “dogma,” is the dry, lifeless thing that once seemed important but now […]
The Prayer of the Trinity
(Originally published in New Tasks for a Renewed Church, 1992, London: Hodder. Also published as Bringing the Church to the World, 1992, Bethany House, U.S.A., 209-15. Reproduced by permission of the author.) by Tom Wright Trinity Sunday Isaiah 6:1-8; Ephesians 1:3-14; John 14:8-17 I suggested in chapter 13 that there might be different sorts of […]
Resurrecting Old Arguments: Responding to Four Essays
[209] Resurrecting Old Arguments: Responding to Four Essays (Originally published in Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus 2005, 3.2, 187–209. Original pagination is retained in bold italicized numbers. Reproduced by permission of the author.) N.T. Wright Bishop of Durham Durham, UK ABSTRACT The author is grateful for the attention given to his book […]
(Originally published in New Dictionary of Theology. David F. Wright, Sinclair B. Ferguson, J.I. Packer (eds), 496-499. IVP. Reproduced by permission of the author.) PAUL. This article presents an overview of Paul’s life and work, his theology, place in early Christianity, and significance for today. 1. Life and work The apostle Paul, a Jew from […]
(Originally published in New Dictionary of Theology. David F. Wright, Sinclair B. Ferguson, J.I. Packer (eds), 359-361. IVP. Reproduced by permission of the author.) JUSTIFICATION denotes, primarily, that action in the lawcourt whereby a judge upholds the case of one party in dispute before him (in the Hebrew lawcourt, where the image originates, all cases […]
(Originally published in New Dictionary of Theology. David F. Wright, Sinclair B. Ferguson, J.I. Packer (eds), 348-351. IVP. Reproduced by permission of the author.) JESUS. Who is Jesus? How much can be reliably discovered about him? What is the significance of his ministry in 1st-century Palestine? Such are the questions posed by contemporary NT scholarship. […]
My Pilgrimage in Theology
(Originally Published in Themelios, January, 1993, 18.2, 35. Reproduced by permission of the author.) Tom Wright Most theological students associate John Wenham with Greek grammar. Not me. I was in an undergraduate audience which he addressed in 1970. He urged Bible-loving Christians to consider theological study and a ministry of teaching and writing. His model […]
Doing Justice to Jesus: A Response to J.D. Crossan: ‘What Victory? What God?’
(Originally published in Scottish Journal of Theology 1997, 50.3, 359–79. Reproduced by permission of the author.) by N. T. Wright I am grateful for the invitation to respond, even though commenting on comments runs the risk of being ‘patently defensive’. It’s a risk I shall have to take. Quests. I am fascinated by your speculations […]
Jesus’ Self-Understanding
[47] Jesus’ Self-Understanding (Originally published in The Incarnation, ed. S. T. Davis, D. Kendall, G. O’Collins 2002, Oxford: OUP, 47–61. Original pagination is retained in bold italicized numbers. Reproduced by permission of the author.) N. T. WRIGHT I INTRODUCTION (A): TODAY’S SITZ IM LEBEN As I prepared to write this short chapter on Jesus’ self-understanding, […]
The Holy Land Today
(Originally published in The Way of the Lord: Christian Pilgrimage in the Holy Land and Beyond. 1999, London: SPCK; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 119-130. Reproduced by permission of the author.) By Tom Wright ALL THAT I have said in this book would be just as relevant if the Holy Land, and Jerusalem in particular, were uninhabited […]
Moral Climate Change and Freedom of Speech
speech in the House of Lords, February 9 2006 by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright My Lords, I am grateful to the noble Lady, Baroness Knight, for the opportunity offered by this debate to address some issues that have become urgent in our national life. It would be a mistake, my Lords, […]
Faith in Further Education?
Comments on the draft bill before the House of Lords, December 13 2006 by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright The Lord Bishop of Durham: My Lords, there are, as we have heard, several potentially controversial aspects of this Bill, to put it mildly, but I will focus mainly on an important lacuna. […]
Economy and Business: debate on the Queen’s Speech
Monday December 8 2008 Speech by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright My Lords, like I suspect many of us in this House I was delighted but not surprised to see that the Gracious Speech started with a clear stress on the stability of the British economy during the current global economic downturn. […]
Early Traditions and the Origins of Christianity
(Originally published in Sewanee Theological Review 41.2, 1998. Reproduced by permission of the author.) N.T. Wright Introduction I have so far endeavored to sketch a historical argument I have urged that the rise of early Christianity cannot be explained except on the basis upon which the early Christians themselves insist, namely, that Jesus of Nazareth, […]
Doubts about Doubt: Honest to God Forty Years On
[181] Doubts about Doubt: Honest to God Forty Years On* (Originally published in Journal of Anglican Studies, 2005, 3 (2), 181–96. Original pagination is retained in bold italicized numbers. Reproduced by permission of the author.) N.T. Wright ABSTRACT Honest to God, published in 1963, was one of the most public religious bestsellers of the twentieth […]
Diocese of Durham: Diocesan Synod, May 21 2010
Presidential Address: The Bishop of Durham, the Rt Revd N. T. Wright, DD Some of you, older synodical hands than I, have seen bishops come and go over a long period, and no doubt you tick them off one by one in your mind, perhaps even carving another notch on the end of the pew. […]
On Dropping the Debt
A note on the subject of debt relief, 12 May 2008 by the Bishop of Durham, Dr. N. T. Wright In some of my writings and sermons I have emphasized the importance of cancelling Third World debts. A great deal of work at quite a high level of economic and financial expertise has been done […]
Creation and Covenant
N.T. Wright Originally published in Paul: In Fresh Perspective. London: SPCK; Minneapolis: Fortress, 2005, pages 21-39. Reproduced by permission of the author. 1. Creation and Covenant in the Old Testament What I mean by ‘creation and covenant’ will become clear if we consider a couple of Psalms where the two are joined together. What I […]
The Shape of Justification
(N.T. Wright, Bible Review, April 2001. Reproduced by permission of the author.) A misunderstood term has caused great confusion in understanding Paul, and it’s time to get it right. Just before Christmas, Paul Barnett, an Australian bishop and a New Testament scholar, placed an article on his Web site entitled “Why Wright is Wrong.” (He […]
The Resurrection of Resurrection
(N. T. Wright, Bible Review, August 2000. Reproduced by permission of the author) Christianity was born into a world where one of its central tenets, the resurrection of the dead, was widely recognized as false–except, of course, by Judaism. Jews believed in resurrection, Greeks believed in immortality. So I was taught many years ago. But […]
The New Inheritance According to Paul
(Originally published in Bible Review, 14.3, June 1998. Reproduced by permission of the author.) The Letter to the Romans re-enacts for all peoples the Israelite Exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land — from slavery to freedom. By N.T. Wright Most of the major questions about Paul’s Letter to the Romans relate to Paul’s puzzling […]
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