N.T. Wright will teach on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians at this year’s Summer Intensive. Click here for more information on the course. Tickets are available by clicking here.
The God of All Comfort
Standalone Sermon: The God of All Comfort from Central Presbyterian Church in New York City. The history of God’s people is one of abundant blessing but not without exile, persecution, and hardship. At every point throughout the biblical narrative, God’s people have found themselves in need of comfort. And in those moments, the almighty, all […]
A Summer Intensive with N.T. Wright
A Summer Intensive with N.T. WrightJune 9-12, in Houston, Texas Prof. Wright will be teaching about Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.On the fence about purchasing tickets?Here’s a preview of what we’ll be discussing. Prof. Wright has been preparing for this event by lecturing on the topic to students at Wycliffe Hall. Click here to read an excerpt of […]
Harvard Faith and Veritas 2023
Tom Wright will be speaking during a keynote session at Harvard Faith and Veritas 2023.
Summer Intensive with N. T. Wright
June 4-7 2023, join Truett Seminary as we host N.T. Wright in Houston, Texas. This in-depth, multi-day seminar on “Acts: New World, New People” will afford attendees the opportunity to listen to and learn from world-renowned theologian N.T. Wright at our Truett in Houston Campus.
Lewis House Lecture
Lewis House recently hosted an evening with N. T. Wright.
Asbury Theological Seminary N.T. Wright Archive
Asbury Theological Seminary Welcomes N. T. Wright November 15-17, 2022
Summer Intensive with N.T. Wright
Romans 8: the Son, the Spirit, and the New Creation June 5-8 Waco, Texas This in-depth, multi-day seminar will afford attendees a rare opportunity to listen to and learn from one whom Christianity Today describes as ‘the most prolific biblical scholar in a generation’ and ‘the most important apologist for the faith since C.S. Lewis’. […]
Descent of the Dove: Knowing and Loving in Spirit and Truth
Descent of the Dove: Knowing and Loving in Spirit and Truth Pusey House Theological Conference Monday, 4 July to Wednesday, 6 July 2022 http://www.puseyhouse.org.uk Descent of the Dove: Knowing and Loving in Spirit and Truth will consider the person and work of the Holy Spirit, and the inevitable transformation which any knowledge of, faith in, or […]
N.T. Wright and Francis Collins: A Christian Response to Coronavirus
BioLogos will be live streaming a conversation with N.T. Wright and Francis Collins on July 12, 2020 from 1:55 PM to 3:10 PM (EST). This live stream event, moderated by host Jim Stump, will feature Wright’s new book, God and the Pandemic: A Christian Reflection on the Coronavirus and Its Aftermath. Collins, who heads our country’s biomedical […]
Jesus, Paul and the Question of God: An Evening with Tom Wright
Tom Wright will be speaking at Westminster Chapel on Thursday 12th March. This will be followed by a conversation with Justin Brierley and then a Q&A and a book signing. Visit the event page for more information.
Samford University Provost Lecture Series
Erasmus Lecture
presented by N. T. WrightChair of New Testament and Early Christianity atthe University of St. Andrews October 28, 6:00 pmUnion League Club38 East 37th StreetNew York City See the First Things website for details.
2019 Theological Leadership Conference
Olivet Nazarene University’s School of Theology and Christian Ministry welcomes New Testament theologian, N.T. Wright, to this year’s Theological Leadership Conference. N.T. Wright will be presenting on Presence and Promise: The Challenge of the Temple. The conference will be held at College Church of the Nazarene University Avenue, 200 University Ave., Bourbonnais, IL 60914. Please visit the Olivet Nazarene […]
N.T. Wright Speaking at Regent College, Vancouver
N.T. Wright will be speaking at the Regent College 2019 Summer Evening Public Lecture Series on Wednesday, July 24, 2019. For tickets and information, see the Regent College Website.
N.T. Wright Speaking in New York City
Tom Wright will be speaking at Central Presbyterian Church in New York City on Monday, May 6th. The first event will be from 1-4 PM. This event will be for pastors, and Tom will speak from Romans 5-8 as it applies to the pastoral vocation. The time is to focus on encouraging those in pastoral […]
Upcoming Speaking Engagements
N.T. Wright has several upcoming speaking engagements. Visit the following websites for more information: The Fulcrum 15th Anniversary Symposium at Lambeth Palace on 23 October. The Augsburger Lecture Series at Eastern Mennonite University on 13-14 November. Lanier Theological Library in Houston, TX on 16 November.
An Evening with Tom Wright
N. T. Wright will be speaking in London at Central Hall Westminster on Friday 2 March 2018. There will be a Q&A hosted by BBC’s Martin Bashir and a chance to meet the author and get your copy of Paul: A Biography signed. For registration information, see An Evening with Tom Wright – Paul: A Biography
2018 Gifford Lectures
N. T. Wright will be presenting the 2018 Gifford Lectures, “Discerning the Dawn — History, Eschatology and New Creation”, at the University of Aberdeen. The lectures will take place in the King’s College Conference Centre on successive Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm, beginning 12th February and concluding 7th March. The lecture topics are […]
2018 Pusey House Conference
The purpose of this conference will be to examine some of the many registers of the mystery of Christ, both historically and thematically. The title ‘the Son of Man’ also evokes the different aspects of the whole Christ: the humanity and divinity of Christ, his earthly ministry, his sacramental presence, and the eschatological consummation of his […]
London Bible Week
Tom Wright will be speaking at Emmanuel Christian Centre, Westminster during London Bible Week, 17-22 July. For more information, see the London Bible Week website.
N.T. Wright at Perkins
Tom Wright will be speaking at the Perkins School of Theology at SMU on November 15-17. The discussions will be related to his book, Simply Good News: Why the Gospel is News and What Makes it Good. For more information, please visit the conference website.
NT Wright to Join Missio Alliance
N.T. Wright, preeminent scholar, author, and Bishop is just one in the amazing line up of presenters at Awakenings: The Mission of the Spirit as the Life of the Church, taking place April 27-29, 2017 in Alexandria, Virginia. Awakenings: NT Wright to Join Missio Alliance for the 2017 North American Gathering