Isaiah 11.1–10; Acts 17.22–32 a sermon at Matins on the Fifth Sunday after Trinity preached before Her Majesty’s Courts of Justice in the Counties of Durham, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear and North Yorkshire in the Cathedral Church of Christ, Blessed Mary the Virgin and St Cuthbert, Durham by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. […]
‘Come and See’
Zechariah 8.20–end; John 1.35–42 a sermon at the Installation of the Venerable Ian Jagger as Archdeacon of Durham and Canon Residentiary St Andrew’s Day 2006 by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright ‘Give me the map there,’ commands the old king. ‘Know that we have divided In three our kingdom; and ’tis our […]
City on a Hill
Isaiah 60.1–4; Colossians 1.15–20; Matthew 5.1–16 sermon at the Inauguration of Dr David Wilkinson as Principal of St John’s College, Durham Durham Cathedral, 17 October 2006 by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright It would have been a bold commentator ten years ago, let alone twenty or thirty, who would have predicted that […]
Incarnation and Establishment
Isaiah 52.7–10; John 1.1–18 sermon at the Eucharist on Christmas Morning, 2008 in the Cathedral Church of Christ, Blessed Mary the Virgin and St Cuthbert of Durham by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright I listened yesterday morning with growing frustration to a clip on the Today programme in which a bishop and […]
The Government Shall Be Upon His Shoulders
Isaiah 9.2–7; Luke 2.1–20 sermon at the Midnight Eucharist on Christmas Eve 2008 in the Cathedral Church of Christ, Blessed Mary the Virgin and St Cuthbert, Durham by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright ‘Unto us a child is born; unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his […]
The Shepherds at Midnight
Titus 3.4–7; Luke 2.8–20 Sermon at the Cathedral Midnight Eucharist Christmas 2007 by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright The choir had been practicing for hours, and the singers were tired. But the conductor kept them at it. This was the most amazing music they were ever going to sing, and they were […]
Emperors and Angels
Isaiah 9.2–7; Luke 2.1–20 a sermon at the Midnight Eucharist, Christmas Eve 2006 by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright Sing a song of Christmas, of emperors and angels; Sing a song of Christmas, of darkness now past; Sing a song of starlight, of shepherds and of mangers; Sing a song of Jesus, […]
Power to Become Children
Isaiah 52.7–10; John 1.1–18 sermon at the Eucharist on Christmas Morning 2007 in the Cathedral Church of Christ, Blessed Mary the Virgin, and Cuthbert of Durham by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright ‘There was a birth, certainly, We had evidence and no doubt.’ So say the Magi in T. S. Eliot’s poem. […]
Full of Grace and Truth
Hebrews 1.1–4; John 1.1–18 a sermon at the Eucharist on Christmas Morning 2006 by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright If I asked you where in John’s Gospel you would find a wedding scene, several of you would know the answer at once. Don’t worry; I am not going to use the excuse […]
What Is This Word?
John 1.1–14 Sermon at the Eucharist on Christmas Morning 2005 in the Cathedral Church of Christ, Blessed Mary the Virgin, and St Cuthbert of Durham the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright One of the greatest journalists of the last generation, the late Bernard Levin, described how, when he was a small boy, a […]
Christ the Power of God and the Wisdom of God
1 Corinthians 1.18—2.5 Bishop’s Charge to Ordination Candidates, July 2 2005 The Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright ‘Jews demand signs, and Greeks seek wisdom; but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and […]
Paul and the Puzzle of Freedom
Psalm 119.41–48; Galatians 5.13–18 sermon at morning worship, Central Presbyterian Church, Park Avenue, New York Professor N. T. Wright, St Andrews Thank you for your invitation and welcome. It’s very good to be here again and to share in your worship. I confess that after I had chosen the topic for this morning’s sermon, and […]
Glory, Word and Unity
Isaiah 55; John 17.20–end a sermon at the Ecumenical Vespers, Caravita Church, Rome 22 October 2008, 7 p.m. by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright Some people today say that the ecumenical movement has run out of steam. Others say that it is only just beginning. I prefer to take the second, more […]
Benefactors and Innovators
Ecclesiasticus 44.1–15 a sermon at the Commemoration of Benefactors, Emmanuel College, Cambridge November 22 2006, 6 pm by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright ‘Let us now praise famous men.’ Yes, indeed. But there is always a paradox about Commemorations. Looking back on a famous past slides easily into nostalgia for an imagined […]
Comfort, O Comfort My People
Isaiah 40.1–11; 2 Corinthians 1.3–11 a sermon at the Commissioning of Authorised Pastoral Assistants in the Cathedral of Christ, Blessed Mary the Virgin and St Cuthbert, Durham on July 20 2009 by the Bishop of Durham, Dr N. T. Wright ‘Comfort, O Comfort my people, says your God.’ That matchless and stirring opening, the opening […]
A sermon at the wedding of Alan Torrance and Margaret Leslie
His Sweet Art Psalm 103; Colossians 3.12-17 A sermon at the wedding of Alan Torrance and Margaret Leslie St Anne’s Church, Strathpeffer, July 25 2015 Rt Revd Prof N T Wright, St Mary’s College, St Andrews (with musical illustrations where necessary from Prof Jeremy Begbie) Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is […]