“Stop thinking like children.” Paul’s admonition to the Corinthians is even more urgent for us today. Though they should be like little children when it came to evil, he insisted they should be grown-ups when it came to thinking. To that end, Paul constantly tried to teach people not only what to think but how […]
N.T. Wright Speaking in New York City
Tom Wright will be speaking at Central Presbyterian Church in New York City on Monday, May 6th. The first event will be from 1-4 PM. This event will be for pastors, and Tom will speak from Romans 5-8 as it applies to the pastoral vocation. The time is to focus on encouraging those in pastoral […]
Space, Time and History: Jesus and the Challenge of God
Space, Time and History: Jesus and the Challenge of God Harrogate School of Theology and Mission and the ‘St Hild’ Lecture Rt Revd Prof N T Wright St Andrews [The audio of this lecture is available at St George’s Church.] January 12 2019 Introduction Thank you very much for your welcome and your hospitality. It’s […]
St John’s Cathedral Public Lecture Series
Lecture 1: The Bible’s Challenge to Today’s World: How does the Bible Speak Truth to Power and Money Today Lecture 2: ‘Living in God’s Moment: Becoming Truly Human in a Demanding World Lecture 3: Rethinking Heaven, Hell and the New Creation
Hope Deferred? Against the Dogma of Delay
The idea of “the delay of the Parousia” has been a powerful yet problematic notion in biblical study and systematic theology over the last century. Powerful: it is central to the theses of Albert Schweitzer and Rudolf Bultmann, and through their influence it has continued to exercise constraint, not to say control, on many readings […]
Lanier Theological Library: Resurrection and the Renewal of Creation
Few Christians realize what “resurrection” meant in the first-century world where early Christianity was born. It meant nothing short of “new creation” — the reaffirmation, by the creator God, of the goodness of the original creation, starting with the crucified body of Jesus Himself. Once we grasp this, we see that many lines of thought […]
One God, One People, One Future
Leading scholars from around the world engage with key facets of N. T. Wright’s most important work, providing a window onto major debates and developments in New Testament studies in recent decades. These essays focus on N. T. Wright’s contribution to New Testament theology and interpretation over the past four decades. The structure is three-fold, […]
Ask N.T. Wright Anything
Premier Christian Radio has launched a new Ask NT Wright Anything podcast.
Good News: National Witness?
Good News: National Witness?
Right Standing, Right Understanding and Wright Misunderstanding: A Response
Right Standing, Right Understanding and Wright Misunderstanding: A Response N. T. Wright, St Mary’s College, University of St Andrews [Originally published in Journal for the Study of Paul and his Letters 4.1, 89-106, 2014. Reproduced by permission of the author.] I am grateful for these responses, not least because my colleagues have clearly given […]
How Greek was Paul’s Eschatology?
How Greek was Paul’s Eschatology? Prof N. T. Wright (with G. van Kooten and O. Wischmeyer) St Mary’s College, University of St Andrews, KY16 9JU, Scotland [Originally published in New Testament Studies 61.2, 239-253, 2015. Reproduced by permission of the author.] Introduction Constraints of space dictate a brief summary of complex issues. We must avoid […]
Upcoming Speaking Engagements
N.T. Wright has several upcoming speaking engagements. Visit the following websites for more information: The Fulcrum 15th Anniversary Symposium at Lambeth Palace on 23 October. The Augsburger Lecture Series at Eastern Mennonite University on 13-14 November. Lanier Theological Library in Houston, TX on 16 November.
How St Paul Changed the World
The Church Times Podcast Interview – Paul: A Biography
The Church Times Podcast has an interview with Tom Wright on Paul: A Biography.
Gifford Lectures
The 2018 Gifford Lectures are now available on YouTube. The overall title is Discerning the Dawn: History, Eschatology and New Creation. Lecture 1 The Fallen Shrine: Lisbon 1755 and the Triumph of Epicureanism Lecture 2 The Questioned Book: Critical Scholarship and the Gospels Lecture 3 The Shifting Sand: The Meanings of ‘History’ Lecture 4 The End of […]
Updated Publications List 2018
Publications As at January 2018 Books (more scholarly works marked with *) 2018 Paul: A Biography. San Francisco: HarperOne; London: SPCK (forthcoming) 2018 The Bible for Everyone (with John Goldingay) (my translation of The New Testament for Everyone with Goldingay’s OT equivalent, with new short introductions to each section and book) 2017 Advent for Everyone: […]
An Evening with Tom Wright
N. T. Wright will be speaking in London at Central Hall Westminster on Friday 2 March 2018. There will be a Q&A hosted by BBC’s Martin Bashir and a chance to meet the author and get your copy of Paul: A Biography signed. For registration information, see An Evening with Tom Wright – Paul: A Biography
The New Testament in the strange words of David Bentley Hart
When a theologian of the stature of David Bentley Hart offers a “pitilessly literal translation” of the New Testament that is “not shaped by later theological and doctrinal history” and aims to make “the familiar strange, novel, and perhaps newly compelling,” we are eager to see the result. He promises to bring out the “wildly […]
2018 Gifford Lectures
N. T. Wright will be presenting the 2018 Gifford Lectures, “Discerning the Dawn — History, Eschatology and New Creation”, at the University of Aberdeen. The lectures will take place in the King’s College Conference Centre on successive Monday and Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm, beginning 12th February and concluding 7th March. The lecture topics are […]
Paul: A Biography
N. T. Wright’s latest book, Paul: A Biography, is coming out in February from Harper Collins. This book provides an entry point for readers, summing up key parts of Paul’s life, analyzing his character, and presenting him as the extraordinary man he was. It is an excellent introduction to Wright’s interpretation of Paul and a […]
2018 Pusey House Conference
The purpose of this conference will be to examine some of the many registers of the mystery of Christ, both historically and thematically. The title ‘the Son of Man’ also evokes the different aspects of the whole Christ: the humanity and divinity of Christ, his earthly ministry, his sacramental presence, and the eschatological consummation of his […]
Learning from Paul Together
LOI Theological Educators’ Consultation Selwyn College, Cambridge, 5 September 2017 ‘Learning from Paul Together: How New Insights into Paul’s Teaching can Help Move us Forward in Mission’ Rt Revd Prof N T Wright, University of St Andrews [Papers and Audio from the Lausanne-Orthodox Consultation are available at LOI 2017 website.] Introduction Thank you for your […]
London Bible Week
Tom Wright will be speaking at Emmanuel Christian Centre, Westminster during London Bible Week, 17-22 July. For more information, see the London Bible Week website.
Mobile Ed: TH341 Perspectives on Eschatology: Five Views on the Millennium
Logos Bible Software has a Mobile Ed course on Perspectives on Eschatology: Five Views on the Millennium. The course includes contributions from N.T. Wright, Darrell Bock, Douglas Moo, Sam Storms, and Peter Leithart. For more information, see the product page on logos.com. Eschatology, the study of end times, is one of the most debated subjects […]
A Conversation with NT Wright
Christ and Creation: Exploring the Paradox
Christ and Creation: Exploring the Paradox By N.T. Wright When we say that all things are made in and through and for Jesus the Messiah, this is the Jesus we must be talking about. There is no other. He is the same yesterday and today and forever. This means we should at least try to […]
Palm Sunday: Jesus Rides into the Perfect Storm
Palm Sunday: Jesus Rides into the Perfect Storm N.T. Wright The crowd went wild as they got nearer. This was the moment they had been waiting for. All the old songs came flooding back, and they were singing, chanting, cheering and laughing. At last, their dreams were going to come true. Read the whole thing […]
Saving the World, Revealing the Glory: Atonement Then and Now
Saving the World, Revealing the Glory: Atonement Then and Now N.T. Wright The deft artistry and fathomless theology of John’s Gospel is powerfully displayed in the footwashing scene in chapter 13. In a few strokes of the pen we are offered a tableau intimate and touching, on the one hand, and scary and dangerous, on […]
Updated Publications List
Publications As at February 2017 Books (more scholarly works marked with *) 2016 Advent for Everyone: A Journey through Matthew. London: SPCK; Louisville: Westminster John Knox 2016 The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus’ Crucifixion. San Francisco: HarperOne; London: SPCK 2016 God in Public. London: SPCK 2016 Justification: God’s Plan and […]
Historical Paul and ‘Systematic Theology’
Historical Paul and ‘Systematic Theology’ To Start a Discussion [A version of this article is published as ‘Historical Paul and “Systematic Theology”: To Start a Discussion’, pages 147-164 in Biblical Theology, ed. M. W. Elliott. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2016.] Theology Graduate Seminar, February 5 2014 Prof N T Wright Introduction Once upon […]
What Is Marriage For?
What is Marriage For? Tracing God’s Plan From Genesis to Revelation N. T. Wright One of the fascinating things about the Bible as we now have it – as you know, it was written over rather a long period of time – is that it begins and ends with the coming together of heaven and […]
Interview with Eric Metaxas
The Eric Metaxas Show has a two part interview with N. T. Wright: https://soundcloud.com/the-eric-metaxas-show/nt-wright-hour-1 https://soundcloud.com/the-eric-metaxas-show/professor-nt-wright-hour-2
Christian Today interview
Christian Today has an interview on three books that changed N. T. Wright’s life.
The Royal Revolution: Fresh Perspectives on the Cross
The Royal Revolution: Fresh Perspectives on the Cross N. T. Wright DD FRSE, University of St Andrews Calvin College January Series January 24, 2017 Thank you so much for your welcome. It is always good to be back at Calvin and to have the honour once again of being part of the prestigious January Series. […]
Sign and Means of New Creation: Public Worship and the Creative Reading of Scripture
Sign and Means of New Creation: Public Worship and the Creative Reading of Scripture Symposium on Worship, Calvin College January 27 and 28, 2017 N T Wright, University of St Andrews At the start of the First World War, the young Karl Barth was a parish minister in Safenwil in Switzerland. At this moment of […]
The Royal Law
The Royal Law James 2.1-13 A sermon at Central Presbyterian Church, New York City January 29 2017 N.T. Wright, University of St Andrews It’s a great treat to be back here again and to sense that I am among friends both old and new. And it’s good for me, after some years of intensive […]
Saving the World, Revealing the Glory: Atonement Then and Now
Saving the World, Revealing the Glory: Atonement Then and Now Rt. Revd. Prof. N T Wright DD FRSE St Mellitus’ College, London October 17 2016 The deft artistry and fathomless theology of John’s gospel is powerfully displayed in the footwashing scene in chapter 13. In a few strokes of the pen we are offered […]
The Dangerous Vocations: Church, Media and Public Life in a Post-Rational World
The Dangerous Vocations: Church, Media and Public Life in a Post-Rational World Church’s Media Network Conference RSA, London, 20 October 2016 Prof N T Wright, University of St Andrews I have two brief preliminary points, three somewhat fuller comments about the developments that have taken place in my adult lifetime, and then – my main […]
N. T. Wright: The Church Continues the Revolution Jesus Started
A foundational Christian belief is that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for our sins. For many, the most important result of this is that believers go to heaven when they die. Bestselling author, scholar and bishop, N. T. Wright, thinks we’re missing a critical aspect of what Jesus accomplished on the Cross if we […]
The Day The Revolution Began
Here is a preview of The Day The Revolution began from Harper Collins Publishers. Also, NTWrightOnline has an exclusive video course in addition to the book.
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